The trick I’ve found over years of people-Ing as the person working is to always end with a statement that can either be turned back with ”you too!” without being awkward, or warrants something other than an autopilot response.
Thanks for stopping in, have a great night
Enjoy your meal and if you need anything just let me/us know
Don’t forget to tell your friends about us, and have a great day
That way it’s totally fine for them to autopilot the pleasantries and they won’t feel cringey after.
when you’re on autopilot
- enjoy your meal
- you too!
I once got a waitress on autopilot.
“Soup or salad?”
“Salad, please.”
“And how would you like that cooked?”
“Uh… Raw?”
Should’ve said grilled lmao.
Boiled, please.
Medium rare for me, please.
- welcome!
- i’m doing well, thanks for asking.
- Happy birthday!
- Thanks, you too!
Well… Come!
(Things you can say to your dog but not your partner)
I once did that one to the Boots employee at Heathrow Airport wishing me a nice trip 😄
It was a good thing too: I was having a very challenging day and laughing at myself for that really brightened my mood 😁
Thank you, I will.
Pulls up a chair and starts eating off your plate
The trick I’ve found over years of people-Ing as the person working is to always end with a statement that can either be turned back with ”you too!” without being awkward, or warrants something other than an autopilot response.
Thanks for stopping in, have a great night
Enjoy your meal and if you need anything just let me/us know
Don’t forget to tell your friends about us, and have a great day
That way it’s totally fine for them to autopilot the pleasantries and they won’t feel cringey after.