Some countries have it, not all or even most. Sweden is not representative of the entirety of Europe.
In Greece you arent even allowed to camp outside of very limited designated camp sites(though laws in Greece are more like suggestions, so many people still go camping in forests).
In Greece you arent even allowed to camp outside of very limited designated camp sites
Same in Germany
though laws in Greece are more like suggestions
Not same in Germany 😅
England didn’t even when part of the EU.
Though Scotland does!
I know, this is why I said England rather than UK. Not sure on Wales/NI. Either way, not really a practical option to get there.
Is the right to roam really worth the loss of the fundamental freedom to shoot someone who steps on your lawn?
You have the right to roam. We have the right to organize a nazi party. Which society is freer? /s
In Italy we have both so, take that I guess 🙃🥲
So do the Germans now
English title and German text? That’s bad. You shouldn’t do that. Go stay in the corner.
What exactly are you talking about?
The video is from an American expat living in Germany with her family. Her video is originally in English.
YouTube started a feature where they auto translate videos to your assumed language. Might that be the case here?
I’m not talking about YouTube or video’s author.
I’m talking about this very thread. Look at the title. Look at the message. Analyze language. Think about how the situation looks for those who don’t know German.
There is no German text when I look at the OP.
I stopped pretending being smart a while ago, so I’m genuinely lost 🙃 Also I don’t speak German, except I only know “kunsthistorisches” for some reason
I guess you visited vienna?
Sprich Deutsch du Hurensohn!
You forgot Austrian woman… Singing in English.
Great content, as someone who “stealth camps” often I would love that openness. Thank you for sharing.
The right to roam specifically does NOT include camping though.
The video said in some Nordic countries it does, you just can’t be in close proximity to the land owners house.
No one will report you roaming if you open carry. /s