This is why you don’t vote idiots into the white house. Imagine this quality idiot dictating policy.
CHD and Kennedy have relentlessly spread dangerous misinformation about the safe, lifesaving MMR vaccine, including that it causes autism (it does not) and even deaths (it does not).
So much better that she just died rather than got autism and then died.
People like this should be treated the same as parents who drive their kids without car seats and seat belts.
How this isn’t abuse is beyond me. They’ll screen about personal freedoms, but what about that poor child’s personal freedom.
I hate that we let parents treat kids like property.
Crazy that anti-vax has even a fig leaf of personal liberty as a defense. Yes, you do have the right to make your own choices and you can be a negligent parent in 1000 different ways.
But this isn’t even close to a personal freedom issue. You being a dumb piece of shit is a direct threat to the rest of society. YOU don’t get to make the personal choice to kill MY child.
It should be simple for these serious diseases: unless you have a certified medical issue preventing it, you have to get the shot. Fuck any objection (personal, religious, whatever…). If there’s some negative side effect or a bad vaccine batch, you get generously compensated for our collective societal fault in harming you.
Strap them down and jab them, let them bitch and moan about everyone’s children being alive and healthy later.
Either that or, more gently, ban them from public spaces if they haven’t had the vaccine – schools, public administrations, grocery stores, malls, churches…
She’s figuring out why families 200 years ago had a dozen kids.
What a shitty mother. I feel sorry for her other children.
The denial after the fact is a necessary coping mechanism. Otherwise, they will suffer from the guilt of killing their child.
Which they absolutely did.
They’ll probably come around to the realization in time, but we won’t see that interview.
Prolly not
That’s a 20% mortality rate. If vaccines had anywhere near that level of mortality risk, all the streets of every city in the world would be absolutely fucking littered with bodies. You have to be one dumb motherfucker to think this is some kind of vindication for your antivax position.
Well, the existence of these people are why the trolley problem is a problem at all. They think it’s more ok for 5 people to die by them not doing anything than 1 people dying instead because of their involvement.
Mine got the shots. They are ALL fine. And alive I might add. Fucking ghoulish cunts, protect your kids dammit.
Wild that you’re just allowed to be a child murderer if you claim the magic voices in your head say it’s okay. You’d think that the surviving kids would be saved from this kind of fucked up ideology, but in the U.S. we have concluded that it’s more important for people to be delusional.
Poor child.
There was another story the other day of a father whose unvaccinated daughter died of measles, and he said he was still glad she didn’t get the vaccine because he didn’t trust what’s in it to be safe. These people’s minds are not functioning rationally.
They’re chronically stupid.
Terminally stupid in this case.
More like homicidally stupid.
The most generous way I can look at this is to say she’s in denial. Five unvaccinated children with one dead. Apparently a 20% fatality rate (in her family) is not enough of a reason to get the vaccine.
The most generous way I can look at this is she’s a danger to her children, and they should be removed from her. Rejecting vaccines should not be a choice, just like choosing to starving your children should not be a choice.
Math is not their strong suit.
Neither is science. These are the kids who set in the back of the class and got D’s and got passed by the teacher because they didn’t want to deal with them for another year.
Woman who doesn’t use conventional birth control is shocked to discover this one weird trick.
They cracked the code to the elusice 30th trimester abortion.
In other words, irresponsible parents who should not raise kids in the first place.
Not just irresponsible, delusional. At what point does delusional thinking causing a child’s death turn into neglect or child abuse?