Sucks for his family. I hope his daughter recovers nonetheless, and he realizes his role in her suffering.
Oh, he knows what he’s doing.
He’s the finance director at UH and he can’t afford to send his kid to hospital? -_-
deleted by creator
Trying to get sympathy points and extra cash?
Not without having to sell his vacation home or boat.
“Sorry Emma, daddy needs his vacation time to handle his job of denying people healthcare.”
He really denied a lot to earn that third yacht
This one of those “leopardsatmyface” kinda posts
I’m wondering what kind of community leopard-sat-my-face would be. Probably not a good one.
One of the furry ones
Full of large cats, really cute :p
Nowhere in the post do they make any indication that their insurance (or independent wealth) isn’t covering the healthcare. This is a person who’s job is to make money off of people in poor health, why wouldn’t he try to profit off of his own family?
True. Furthermore, does the daughter really have leukemia? Does the daughter really exists?
Is it more evil to lie about a child with leukemia for profit or exploit an actual child with leukemia for profit? That’s your answer.
They work in healthcare and financing. The very branch that has worked to mess up healthcare prices. Now that he needs healthcare to be affordable, he is asking for help trying to afford healthcare. That’s what gofundme is for.
My guess is that they are wealthy enough/actually receive good insurance coverage, that without the gofundme, they would still be able to afford it just fine. I think they created the gofundme just because they knew it would make some money.
Well, they are a bit evil in that way I suppose
…and his job.
Doing fake charity runs is one way of making money I suppose
Pretty sure the Financial Director of a health insurance company is making a little more than minimum wage…and if suspect it has something to do with making sure as little of that money leaves the company as possible.
Written by a leopard
The US medical system is a fucking joke, they have the GoFundMe at 78,000 as the goal, which don’t get me wrong is no small chunk of change, but the fact that if they didn’t have insurance it would cost around 45,000 the first year alone in just diagnosis and treatment costs, average 7,000 per year after that and then average 114,000 the last year of treatment is extortionary.
Granted I would expect someone like that would have insurance for the family, which means realistically they’re probably only going to have like a $10,000 yearly deductible but still
It’s because hospitals and insurance companies collaborate to inflate prices to skim money off the top.
A procedure that should cost $1,000 anywhere else is magically $10,000 in America so that Americans pay $1000 out of pocket and then the insurance company pays $9000, because they already collected $20,000 from the collective pool of Americans paying for their “service” since it’s “unaffordable” to not have insurance since insurance companies have increased the price to make it so they are necessary.
I have a decent public healthcare, but also a private one from my employer. It’s around 950 euros/year… And I don’t have to pay anything out of pocket for 99% of stuff. I haven’t paid anything in the last 10 years, aside from the medicines which are generally very cheap and some visits for my son (sleep coach and stuff like that)
US health system is a scam.
HOWEVER, I’m seeing enshitification looming. More than once I’ve been recommend unnecessary treatments or out of pocket ones when there were some covered or even free. Last time I went for a dental cleaning they had me locked with a sales person trying to offer brackets.
This kind of BS shouldn’t be allowed on LinkedIn. That platform is so cursed I’ve purged all my info from it. I’ll straight up never use it again.
I remember when I left the platform about ten years ago I actually had to call the company to finalize the deletion of my account, the process was so convoluted. I had a client who was also trying to leave, he literally contracted me to handle the account removal for him after I told him about my own ordeal. Hopefully it’s at least automated today.
I have one but I never use it? It just seems super dystopian to me. I sometimes see that coworks are using it fairly regularly, and I don’t understand. It’s like Facebook nonsense with a corporate twist. It’s so weird, but I guess it makes sense if you want to fall into the “yes man” bootlicking management type role
Exactly, it’s always given me a corporate cult vibe. People bragging about how they slave 80 hours a week for a corporation that exploits them and would cast them away in a heartbeat if it was more profitable. Just gross sycophants and grifters.
Maybe he can ask their AI underwriters for some tots and pears.