Tesla dealerships are getting protested and, in some cases, vandalized. Sales are down on 9 of the top 10 countries Tesla sells in. Yet Tesla stock is up. Twitter is a cesspool of nazi-themed bots, and somehow just pulled in $1bn and raised its valuation back up to $44bn.
How is any of this possible? It seems really artificial to me, but I don’t really understand business.
What they’ve achieved is irrelevant. They’re never gonna achieve 99.999% with standard cameras + AI for decades. Elon can’t magically manifest the safety of Lidar through hopes and prayers; yet he believes he can, so the only logical conclusion is that he’s a complete fucking moron con artist, only skilled at separating people from their money.
If you don’t understand this yet, print me out some examples of your best code, and email me a list of your top accomplishments from the last week!