Tesla dealerships are getting protested and, in some cases, vandalized. Sales are down on 9 of the top 10 countries Tesla sells in. Yet Tesla stock is up. Twitter is a cesspool of nazi-themed bots, and somehow just pulled in $1bn and raised its valuation back up to $44bn.

How is any of this possible? It seems really artificial to me, but I don’t really understand business.

  • TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    We can’t exactly stop shipping that is not pragmatic. That is like trying to stop air travel. What we can do is to promote alternatives where it is more practical and easier like converting to EV’s on the road, and using more renewable energy in power plants. Even if majority of CO2 consumption comes from shipping, a huge portion nevertheless comes from vehicles and electricity generation so switching to alternatives would have already made dramatic changes to reducing carbon emissions. Although, if shipping could sail on renewable energy (not that I am aware of), then that would be even better!

    Autarky has been tried before and failed. Good luck growing coffee in China. Speaking of which, China is strangely the new champion of global free trade because they know they can’t produce and grow everything on their own; not because they make literally everything contrary to your statement.