So, back in January the mods of ! announced they were packing up the community and moving to ! To assist in this, they closed ! For simplicity, I’m going to refer to them as the .world one and the .blahaj one.
Now, there were lots of other things they had done that were dick moves, but whats most important is the sheer entitlement of thinking you can just pick up a community and move it, like they own it or something. This pissed off the community here, so one guy created ! Within an hour, this community was more active than .blahaj had honestly ever been, and it has sustained a more subdued version of popularity since.
The mods quickly realized that they had shot themselves in the foot, and backtracked with an apology that read like “we are sorry that you peasants were mad about the completely justifiable decision we made, and we hope you feel better soon. Here’s your emotional support sub back.” This just pissed off the community more, and the more we found out about their actions behind the scenes the more pissed off we got. It was a real mask-off moment where we got to see how shitty the mod team was, not just to the community but also to Ada. Personally, the part where I decided to never come back was when they cited an accidental ban followed by a successful appeal as a bad thing that was also Ada’s fault for some reason. Do they think they are above making mistakes? Or do they think they should just not ban trolls because they might hit innocent bystanders by accident? Either interpretation makes them look really bad to me.
So, the end result of this was that .blahaj’s most active users were burned on the old mod team and hopped to this community. That’s why there are three now.
4 if you count the furry one!
edit: !
What do you mean, this is the furry one :3
The more furry one
This one is like 75%, over there the puppy ears are mandatory
it’s the one on pawb social, I’d link it, but lemmy links are weird and I’m on mobile currently
was just about to post the lower part
User wugmeister mysteriously died before finishing their post
Sorry, accidentally hit post while I was still typing. Pretty sure I’m done now
the sheer entitlement of thinking you can just pick up a community and move it, like they own it or something.
its a success story, and an artifact of a terrible mod decision. mods in the other one unilaterally decided to move 196 to, but the community decided the mods can go fuck themselves… so when the original 196 was locked, this new one with new mods was created.
at some point the og mods realized they fucked up and unlocked it. i say, the 196 is dead. long live the onehundredninetysix
Have to be real here, while casually browsing from my instance, I usually don’t know if a post I am seeing is from the original or the improvement 🤔
I am an equal opportunity upvoter in that regard.
I follow both. I honestly hadn’t noticed it’s the same mods on the original 196 though, so if I post henceforth I will post here or on !
I never wanted to raise the point to avoid stirring up drama, but based on some exchanges I had in the past with the original 196 mods, I wasn’t terribly surprised they ended up being … the way they are
That’s in part because (at least for a while; I haven’t checked if it’s still true) the new community had changed its display name to be the same as the old community.
Actually, this community is just jam packed with sub, far more than just two.
What about 196 doms?
Isn’t there three? Or did .world get abandoned after the shitstorm that insured following the attempted migration?
! is still active. Just not as active as this one.
What’s supposed to be the third one next to this and .world?
The original community was !, but the mods went on a “we own this community, not the users” power trip. They tried to forcibly migrate the community to ! instead, to consolidate power with the admins over there. The users revolted. The mods quickly reversed course, but the damage was already done and the community’s trust was already broken. ! was created as a protest against the 196 mods, and has been thriving ever since.
Which makes 2 communities since the original one is dead
This is the newer ! which isn’t run by the same people as the original ! This one was created when the mods of that community tried to migrate to ! which a lot of people weren’t on board with.
Yes but the original ! is dead so I didn’t count it
i lik dis one bettr cuz here the cuties rule <3 and not the… apparently less cute peeps ;(
Long and complicated story… which I don’t really want to even touch upon or think about. Suffice it to say that the mods (a mod?) took the original community somewhere else (.world) but all (most) of the users stayed here on Blahaj.
Use whatever community on whatever instance you enjoy the most.
Use whatever community on whatever instance you enjoy the most.
Por que no los dos?