Given that video games typically feature even less diverse and more objectified representations of women than traditional mainstream media, we predicted that there would be relationships between video game consumption and negative beliefs and attitudes about women. In this study, we conducted a survey (N = 351) of male and female adults and used structural equation modeling to analyze relationships among video game consumption, trait interpersonal aggression, ambivalent sexism, and first-order (percentage of false rape accusations) and second-order cultivation effects (RMA). We found support for the hypothesized cultivation model, indicating a relationship between video game consumption and RMA via interpersonal aggression and hostile sexism. Although these findings cannot be interpreted causally, we discuss the implications of these associations and future directions for research.
Research has indicated that many video games are saturated with stereotypes of women and that these contents may cultivate sexism. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between video game exposure and sexism for the first time in a large and representative sample. Our aim was also to measure the strength of this association when two other significant and well-studied sources of sexism, television exposure and religiosity, were also included in a multivariate model. A representative sample of 13520 French youth aged 11-19 years completed a survey measuring weekly video game and television exposure, religiosity, and sexist attitudes toward women. Controlling for gender and socioeconomic level, results showed that video game exposure and religiosity were both related to sexism. Implications of these results for future research on sexism in video games are discussed.
Ah, surveys, which classify as observational, cross-sectional studies: pretty low on the hierarchy of evidence, yes?
Now show us studies that apply the same methods on the relationship with belief & attitudes toward bank robberies, risky driving, or dark personality traits as mentioned before.
Applying the same methods on those questions would inform us whether such studies put them all on “the same level” as sexism or “objectification of women” (which someone before claimed would be funny), and whether we can put much stock in conclusions drawn from these methods.
It’s also questionable whether answers to survey questions imply much beyond state of mind that has real-life consequences.
Unless there’s clear evidence of that, it’s a slippery slope.
You’re right, it could be the other way around. Maybe sexist video games don’t cause sexism. Maybe they attract sexist men instead. Like the woman in the meme is saying.
You gamergate people are so easy to bait into disagreeing with yourselves
There’s lots of great indie games still coming out that don’t have sexism in them. Try out Dome Keeper, they just had a big mod jam. Dome Keeper doesn’t have gender, it only has minerals and monsters.
We have a correlation
Ah, surveys, which classify as observational, cross-sectional studies: pretty low on the hierarchy of evidence, yes?
Now show us studies that apply the same methods on the relationship with belief & attitudes toward bank robberies, risky driving, or dark personality traits as mentioned before. Applying the same methods on those questions would inform us whether such studies put them all on “the same level” as sexism or “objectification of women” (which someone before claimed would be funny), and whether we can put much stock in conclusions drawn from these methods.
It’s also questionable whether answers to survey questions imply much beyond state of mind that has real-life consequences. Unless there’s clear evidence of that, it’s a slippery slope.
Correlation is not causation.
Or did you fail your very first science class?
You’re right, it could be the other way around. Maybe sexist video games don’t cause sexism. Maybe they attract sexist men instead. Like the woman in the meme is saying.
You gamergate people are so easy to bait into disagreeing with yourselves
You’re right.
I’ll just go back to living the male fantasy of petting my dog on my 3ds.
There’s lots of great indie games still coming out that don’t have sexism in them. Try out Dome Keeper, they just had a big mod jam. Dome Keeper doesn’t have gender, it only has minerals and monsters.