Exactly: neighbors can stay mad. Mint is cooler than neighbors arguably (& chemically).
Exactly: neighbors can stay mad. Mint is cooler than neighbors arguably (& chemically).
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If you want mint & don’t care about other plants, then I don’t see a problem. Some people might consider its low maintenance effort a good thing. 🤷
They should & they won’t. You know who owns the executive branch & gives absolutely 0 shits, right?
Ah, surveys, which classify as observational, cross-sectional studies: pretty low on the hierarchy of evidence, yes?
Now show us studies that apply the same methods on the relationship with belief & attitudes toward bank robberies, risky driving, or dark personality traits as mentioned before. Applying the same methods on those questions would inform us whether such studies put them all on “the same level” as sexism or “objectification of women” (which someone before claimed would be funny), and whether we can put much stock in conclusions drawn from these methods.
It’s also questionable whether answers to survey questions imply much beyond state of mind that has real-life consequences. Unless there’s clear evidence of that, it’s a slippery slope.
This would be a cause student activism could meaningfully engage unlike the usual fare that hardly moves the needle.
So would magic.