I misunderstood that and just imagined 2 people having sex while doing each other’s make-up.
That sounds potentially dangerous (sharp objects near eyes).
for me it’s like half-opposite: still wanting to go despite crying means they REALLY trust you, but of course that only works because i know i’d start crying even harder than them if i thought i actually hurt them or made them want to stop.
But the makeup sex after the crying bout is often temporarily memorable…
I misunderstood that and just imagined 2 people having sex while doing each other’s make-up.
That sounds potentially dangerous (sharp objects near eyes).
That, too! Licking off smeared mascara is like an imploding dwarf star begging for a moon.
Personally, tears are a turn-off for me. As soon as the enthusiastic consent is gone, the pee-pee is no longer hard
for me it’s like half-opposite: still wanting to go despite crying means they REALLY trust you, but of course that only works because i know i’d start crying even harder than them if i thought i actually hurt them or made them want to stop.
this guy FUCKS