• barneypiccolo@lemm.ee
      3 days ago

      What are you talking about? The entire thread is about America, and the new regime violating the Constitution. That’s what this thread is about, that’s why the “fascination.”

      Americans care about the Constitution because its guided our nation since its founding, and it is considered sacrosanct. The new administration is simply ignoring it, and doing whatever they want, which is far too close to the Nazi playbook for comfort. Not only are Americans upset about it, the entire world should be upset about it.

      And again, that focus on the word Left, which I seldom use, and almost didn’t in this case. All I meant by the word Left was anyone who isn’t MAGA, because that’s how MAGA sees the world. If you aren’t MAGA, you are on “The Left.”

      There’s a special congressional election near me, and the candidates include a rare non-MAGA candidate. The opposition attack ads are painting him as a “Liberal” and “RINO,” when he is just as conservative as any Republican, he’s just anti-HitlerPig.

      I understand that Left means something different in Europe, but this thread is about American politics, so I used the word Left in an American political context. It’s weird that there is so much focus on a single word, instead of my actual message.

        • barneypiccolo@lemm.ee
          3 days ago

          I honestly don’t understand what you are talking about. You obviously dont understand what the Constitution is, and how important it is to America. It is the American governmental rulebook, literally the Government itself, and EVERY elected official takes an oath similar to this one:

          “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

          See that part about defending the CONSTITUTION “against all enemies, foreign and domestic?” Defending the Constitution, not America, is literally the primary responsibility of all elected officials. That should illustrate how important it is to all Americans, and why it is alarming when an administration chooses to ignore it, as well as the judges, courts and legal decisions that service the Constitution. They are literally tossing aside the rule book that has defined America, and inspired the constitutions of hundreds of governments, for the last (nearly) 250 years, in favor of an new, undefined, authoritarian government that exists for the benefit of the wealthy.

          Beyond that, if you still don’t get it, you are simply being obtuse, and not worth further clarification.

            • barneypiccolo@lemm.ee
              3 days ago

              Forget it, you must not be American, so you dont understand anything about America.

              America and the Constitution are essentially the same thing, and you are demanding to know the emotional connection to a person’s own nation. It’s called Patriotism, and its why every Olympic medalist, from any country, gets choked up when they stand on the podium, as they represent their country in front of the entire world, as their national anthem plays.

              That’s all. All citizens generally love their country, unless they’ve been fed a steady diet of propaganda which has twisted their minds into believing that destroying the country they love is somehow patriotism. Like them, you obviously don’t understand the true concept of Patriotism.

              And I am not interested in my message landing with MAGAs. They are ignorant, weak-minded, susceptible to obvious propaganda, and have no critical thinking skills. I have long given up on persuading them. They are now simply in the way, and should stay out of the way as we take back our government, or suffer the same consequences as the MAGANazi leadership is going suffer.

              And by the way, you disengenuously QUOTED me as saying that they have “violated the EULA of their job,” which is a phrase I never said, and don’t agree with. Their oath of office is not a EULA, it is an OATH, and it carried legal obligations and responsibilities that can land you in prison if they are violated. Or at least it’s supposed to work that way, if the Dems had any spine at all to play Hard Ball, and enforce the law.

      • BrainInABox@lemmy.ml
        3 days ago


        I have to ask, are you literally a child?

        It’s weird that there is so much focus on a single word

        I guarantee you that American leftists are not going to like the idea of being thrown in jail for treason because they don’t consider the constitution “sacrosanct”.

        • barneypiccolo@lemm.ee
          3 days ago

          HitlerPig is the name that the younger staffers in the Biden White House called him. I find it simultaneously insulting, humorous, and accurate. HitlerPig loves to give insulting names to others, so he should be happy to have one of his own. I dont need your permission or approval to use it, and i will continue to alternate between HitlerPig and Agent Krasnov, the designation he was given by his Soviet KGB handlers when they turned him during his visit to Moscow in 1987.

          Again with obsession with the word “Left.” In America, it only means “Not Right.” It does not have the levels of nuance that it has in Europe and other places.

          In America, even “The Left” holds our Constitution sacrosanct, because it is intended to protect their interests as much as those they oppose. The Constitution is the reason any sort of opposing political philosophy or lifestyle is allowed to exist, and even extremists of both sides understand this on a fundamental level. The difference is the Right wants to limit the Constitution protection for anyone but themselves, while the Left is willing to allow it to protect all viewpoints.

          “The Left” you describe, those who would oppose even the Constitution, are not “The Left,” they are anarchists, they are a very tiny sliver of American society. Anarchy is more of a European concept than an American one. It is very rarely discussed, or even mentioned in America. It effectively does not exist here.

            • barneypiccolo@lemm.ee
              3 days ago

              No, but with your insistence on this stupid point of discussion, apparently you are.

              The Conservative Propaganda Machine uses insults routinely to dehumanize their opponents, and I am simply fighting fire with fire. Thats not childish, its strategic.

              Grow up Junior, we’re at War, name-calling isn’t the problem.