- 82% believe presidents should obey court rulings, poll shows
- 76% of Republicans support Trump’s deportation efforts despite court order
- Trump’s immigration approval higher than overall performance ratings
Maybe the majority of Americans should have voted.
Didn’t you hear? Neither Democratic candidate was exciting enough, so people are off the hook for staying home… Damn you, Democrats!!!
A majority of eligible people did vote, unless I’m reading things wrong. Don’t get me wrong turnout did suck and it’s a disgrace imo but a slim majority is still a majority
EDIT: Sorry, I didn’t see “majority”. A majority of people did vote, but not more than the eligible people that stayed home per party.
I really don’t know why this is still the misconception, but no: approximately 90 million eligible people did not vote.
If “Did Not Vote” was a candidate, it would have easily won:
In the link you sent it says 36% of eligible voters did not vote, which is not a majority. The “did not vote winning the election” is a different stat than “majority did/didn’t vote”
Sorry, you’re right. I didn’t see “majority” in your comment, I’ll edit mine. Technically, a majority of people voted, but 90 million people did not. More than voters of either party, but not combined.
This makes sense. But yeah semantics aside, over a third not voting is terrible regardless. When I was young I didn’t understand the people pushing to vote but now I’m older… I get it. Seeing so many people not care, or suppressed and not getting votes in, it’s disheartening to say the least. We really dropped the ball, down a hill, into a manure lagoon
Technically more eligible registered voters did vote that didn’t, but it really doesn’t tell the whole story. 77 million voted for Trump. 75 million votes for Harris. Just under three million voted for a third party candidate of some kind. 90 million didn’t vote but were registered to vote.
We also don’t know the number of potentially eligible but not registered people there are.
The US has an estimated 340 million population. An estimated 260 million are adults.
It’s easy to see why people say ~30% of the country is deciding our fate.
Unless 76% of Republicans makes up 18% of Americans, they got some ‘splainin’ to do.
“Presidents should obey court orders. But not my president, and not those court orders!”
Guys, what the fuck did you think was being discussed?
76% of Republicans support a dictatorship is what it says.
Not only that, but the same document that was protecting the rights of the people being illegally deported, is what protects those Republicans rights as well. Free speech, press, arms, privacy, jury, fair trial, and more. 78% are saying they would wave their rights to a dictator. It’s extremely short sighted
They failed the marshmallow test as children.
Fun fact:
The marshmallow test was an excellent predictor of future success. Not because it measures self-control, but because it measures family wealth.
The kids who “failed” the test had adults in their lives that made promises they couldn’t keep. They said “maybe we’ll get you that thing you want, when my next paycheck comes” and then the paycheck never came.
So when adults told them “you can eat this marshmallow in front of you — one that actually exists — or you can wait for two that you’ll just have to trust me on”, they understandably called bullshit on that.
They put a ruler under their pillow to see how long they sleep.
It never occurs to them that rules apply to them
If those 18% was all republicans, that would come out to 66% of all republicans.
No surprise that 10% of republicans are liars, really.
a mix of liars, too dumb to understand what’s going on, and bootlickers who will do anything their daddy dom tells them to do
I hate that we’re at a point where this is even a question.
Thoughts like this fill my mind constantly.
It should be common sense. It’s like asking people if they think people should have to obey laws
Trump’s party still believe the courts should generally be able to check the power of U.S. presidents, but that many Republicans would support Trump defying a court order in order to deport people seen as a threat.
so, 76% of republicans reject the idea of due process. noted.
If I am expected to obey the law then I expect everyone to obey the law. If those in charge do not obey then I should not have to obey the law.
Can’t fault that logic.
And honestly, arresting your President for breaking the law should totally be a common thing. Why should someone be treated special just because they hold an office?
What’s scary is… there’s a significant number of Americans who believe presidents shouldn’t obey courts.
(also, that 76% of
AmericansRepublicans who apparently think that fucking over due process won’t hurt them. How do they know there weren’t American citizens on that flight? how do they know they won’t be put on the next?)(Edited to fix a typo, thanks for pointing it out, Eric,)
It’s 76% of republicans thankfully, not Americans.
It never occurs to them that rules apply to them
Majority of Americans didn’t vote for Trump’s opposition. Doesn’t really matter what they think now, does it?
A majority of Americans also didn’t vote for Trump.
When you don’t vote what you think doesn’t count.
That’s a pretty scary line of thinking. The Constitution says, “We the People,” not “We the People who voted.”
Yes, everyone should vote, but that doesn’t mean the opinions of those who didn’t are invalid. Please contact your representatives regardless of whether you voted or for whom you voted.
Majority of Americans should have fucking voted accordingly.
King John is raging somewhere
18% of Americans are fucking nuts.
How many of them though believe a President should be of the service of the people they govern? Give us percentages on that.
These results are what I would expect given how much immigration is a scapegoat this time around. Pure hatred on the part of Trump voters, fueled by propaganda. No amount of logic will end that and they will always support what fits into their skewed worldview to avoid cognitive dissonance.
There is a reason why the “Denazification” of Germany after WWII was more so a process rather than an event.
Denazification famously failed because we literally gave up on it.