I think we’re seeing things happen that not even Idiocracy could predict.
I think we’re seeing things happen that not even Idiocracy could predict.
Unfortunately in America, all and any retail bows to the wills of stupid fucking entitled customers. If it was my way, I’d allow at least a two limit outburst per week if I was managing a store chain. Don’t hit them, don’t do any harm, just express yourself and tell them how it is.
But, if you really do anything and I mean anything to a customer, it’s your job. It’s really bullshit how it works. However, if you plan to leave your job anyways, who the fuck cares? Let them have it.
I think part way into your post, you started leaning away from the question but I digress.
I haven’t dated in 2 years going 3 but that is simply because there’s too much going around me internally and externally to where I simply can’t afford a relationship. A relationship is starting to seem like a luxury of its own, in a way of like investing into it. If you don’t have anything in order in your life, why should you get into one? Because once you’re in a relationship, you are always spending in some form. Spending money or time or both, usually both.
Just try to avoid potential partners that want to date you because you’re succeeding in whatever career you pursue, because success can attract moochers and that’s something you don’t want that’ll bring things down. There are some people out there that do find people who’re focusing on careers or goals attractive and may want that since they’re also doing the same thing. Maybe that’s your type.
I don’t know. I think security today, has been awfully abused because I really don’t see for example, why the fuck Google needs my street address to “feel secure”. It’s small things like that, that really make you question.
There’s something about this lecture that doesn’t sit right with me and I think it’s because they’re bringing into irrelevant things that don’t mesh with the idea of freedom or security.