Who told you or implied you weren’t? Under the Egg Prime Directive that is not allowed.
Seriously, it’s really not okay to go around telling other people that they are or aren’t something personal and self-defined as gender identity.
Do you wanna “still be cis tho?” or would you rather be something else? What would disappoint and/or scare you more?
Being cis is great, however, it doesn’t seem like you’re solid in this conviction yourself 🤔
this is where the Egg Prime Directive comes into play, right?
what does that mean
They’re calling OP an egg, in blatant and direct violation of the Egg Prime Directive.
Look, I admire c/egg_irl and the safe space you’ve made there, but trying to control speech of other queers under some notion of a moral cause is unbelievably spooked. It’s how a queer orthodoxy gets made, and we fall into a carefully set trap made by conservative propaganda and religious bullshit.