I know you guys are kidding but I fucking tell you, 5 years from now there will be a group in the Whitehouse ordering the investigation into this conspiracy in order to bring the weeks back to 8 days, as it always has been, and then we’ll all have to deal with the fallout of this shit
Humanity isn’t ready for your humor
Starting a conspiracy theory would be an amazing accomplishment for me.
Move it to between Saturday and Sunday that way it will be a weekend day when it becomes policy
It was eliminated to cover up the existence of Logus, a planet located between Mercury and Venus
We used to have eight days in a week. Eight. The number of magic. But eight is not a controllable number and they cut it down to seven, a prime. These bastards take all of the joy and wonder in the world and reduce it into factors of primes. They’re quantizing an infinite world down into finite information and we’re all stuck in the wake of it.
I was born on a logsday so there defiantly hiding somethjng
The Beatles even wrote a song about there being 8 days in the week!
You broke Ringo again!
Now they look like fools!
If I remember correctly Logsday was created to celebrate the birth of Emperor Logustus.
moved to maths
The Beatles destroyed it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkR81t3lp-M
What the hell are y’all talking about
Here come the gaslighters 🤦♂️
Yeah horrible innit
Hey, FBI!
For those who don’t know, Logsday is the fourth day of the week, right between Wednesday and Thursday. They took it from us in January 2003, and did everything so we would forget it existed in the first place. God knows what Machiavellian things they made it for.
As if they’d get rid of a weekday
Not a weekday, it was a mid-week break day off.
it was the day we worshipped the log
Good times.
This explains why September, October, November and December no longer correspond to the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months. When they took out logsday, everything shifted.
No it’s because Emperor Julius and Augustus want their own months in summer.
You don’t seem to be getting the point of this thread.
Yeah, right.
Why are you pretending there is no day between Tuesday and Wednesday? The German Wednesday, “Mittwoch,” clearly implies an odd number of days in a week, which is how they’ve been getting away with the seven-day lie, but clearly there can’t be an even number of days in the week.
fun fact: in germany all calanders are starting the week on monday, so mittwoch is very clearly not the middle of the week but donnerstag/thursday is.
It is the middle of the week if you consider the week to me the workweek, from Montag to Freitag.
It is if you start the week on Sunday, which is the first day of the week by christian standards.
not realy: god rested on the last day of the week of the creation myth, so the christian week starts on monday and ends on sunday i guess, the one ending on saturday aka schabbat seems more like being influenced by jewisch tradition
The week is Montag-Freitag, mit Mittwoch im mittel. The weekend is at the end of the week.
I still remember Domesday, it only happened the once before ‘they’ covered it up. I’ll never forget it, so many questions.
There’s been a couple Doomsdays…
Around a millenia ago the pope conducted a chronomic ritual to fabricate 300 years of human history. That time was born of void and placed a great strain upon our reality. It was catastrophic! The new order had no choice but to expunge logsday in order to bring balance to the time stream. But then we have stubborn minds like yours dragging like nails through the repaired tapestry. Shame on you!
The government has even erased Logsday from my memory! Will they stop at nothing?!