Because he doesn’t respect you enough to think that your provinces deserve to remain independent of each other. Or to know that you have provinces.
Because he doesn’t respect you enough to think that your provinces deserve to remain independent of each other. Or to know that you have provinces.
Ok yeah that tracks. I hear south korea is a particularly extreme case of that too. My assumptions that op wasn’t from such a culture were largely bases around their comparing themselves to others in their culture doing differently from them
That’s fair, though op definitely sounds like they may be on the ace spectrum or a late bloomer in that context. There’s waiting for self sufficiency to pursue relationships and then there’s wondering why people in their 20s are so focused on romance.
I was self sufficient when I married in my mid 20s, but it usually takes a few years of romantic experience before someone marries.
And I guess slim may not have been the best word, drastically reduced might be better. The romantic scene has a few time periods of your life with dramatic changes to it. And what and when is cultural but itll happen. I remember when around the time I graduated college suddenly half my tinder matches had kids. In my 30s a lot of single people my age are divorced. Not all by any stretch, but notably many. As you get older and older widows start entering the picture.
None of this is inherently bad and they shouldn’t get into a relationship just because they’re worried they won’t be able to later, but waiting can make it harder and it’s something to be prepared for if they aren’t just asexual
Weird but not bad. More abnormal. Be aware others aren’t waiting, so you may have slim pickings when the time comes
Dishonorable people view dishonor as virtuous.