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If you listen to any podcast(s) you recommend, tell us about it
Darknet diaries. It’s about anything security, spy, hacking, some networking bots, etc. do NOT need to be a nerd to love it, recent episode was a guy who started tracking stolen bikes and found a crazy web of criminals though patterns.
Very well spoken, very well edited, very easy to listen to, even if you’re technically challenged.
Beautiful Stories From Anonymous People, basically someone calls in to talk about anything they want with the host (comedian Chris Gethard). The caller can hang up any time, the host must hang up after exactly one hour.
People call in to talk about so many different things, and Gerhard is really good at getting people to open up in a very genuine yet casual manner. (“Doomscroll explores online culture and politics in the 21st century.”) (thoughtful one-on-one interviews with people that are active in youth culture, including people related to Chapo Trap House) (a person who runs a Rust gaming channel talks with their friends about various things)
Unmade Podcast - 2 dudes talking podcast.
Trueanon, if I ever make a manifesto I’m mentioning them in it
best podcast
- welcome to nightvale - if you like kooky off the wall sci-fi stories
- We’re alive - Long form zombie survival podcast. I recommend starting from the beginning before moving to the newest stuff
- Alice isn’t Dead - mystery sci-fi trucker podcast
- Fictional - classical novels read with a bit of snark - new season coming soon
- That time that Planet Money read all of The Great Gatsby
- 99% Invisible’s book club synopsis of The Power Broker by Robert Caro
- The Truth
- What’s Ray Saying
Lots of great suggestions. If you want one that will make you mad, Swindled is a great one about white collar crime. Podcaster is left leaning (outwardly so) and it’s (sometimes) therapeutic to hear him talk about some of the topics.
Darknet Diaries, it’s about hacking and each episode is a different story and has interviews with people that were involved in information security incidents, either the ones doing the hacking and/or those defending from and responding to attacks
Great pod
This Podcast will Kill You. It’s about illness causing pathogens and poisons. It’s super cool they break it down so nicely. AND they cite their sources!!!
Yes. This one! Sawbones is good too(-a doctor and a comedian podcast)
Search Engine - deep dives into interesting subjects
Your Kickstarter Sucks - sarcastic evaluations of bad kickstarter projects and other witty social commentary
Lateral - guests try to solve weird puzzles that require lateral thinking
Regular Features - regulars take turns telling a funny story each. They can be all kinds of different things. Songs, plays where everyone needs to get involved, or even true stories backed up with covert voice recordings.
That’s Absurd Please Elaborate - regulars either explain something weird and interesting or listeners will prompt then with a question that they will go and research and explain in the podcast.
Horne Section Podcast - Little Alex Horne (of Taskmaster fame) interviews a guest alongside his band that will keep playing improv music of all kinds of different genres throughout. Regularly playing songs that end up being relevant to the guest, for example could be a funny retelling of their life or some fun word play on their name etc. the banter between Alex and band makes this one. They probably didn’t even need guests to be honest.
A Problem Squared - 2 regulars each try to solve a question posed by listeners. Is often very intellectual but the two hosts are very witty and can find an interesting and funny way to explain someone’s complicated concepts that anyone could understand and learn from.
James Acasters Perfect Sounds - each episode James shares an album specifically from the year 2016 to try and convince them that 2016 was the best year in music in an attempt to justify his obsession of trying to physically collect every album released in 2016. The reasons for it being 2016 specifically are very personal to him and uses each album to explain why. (This is like a companion piece/extension to a book he wrote prior on the same subject, except this time with other people involved and their opinions as well as the audible medium allowing him to share snippets of the sins they are talking about).
Some other ones I regularly listen to: Cox n Crendor Geekenders Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast C.R.E.A.M. (Cars Rule Everything Around Me - The TDC Podcast) SmartLess Windbreaker Better Offline (A good one for Tech Sceptics that hate the big tech monopolies)
Never Post - an audio magazine about the internet and stuff
I’m a fan of Lingthusiasm. It’s two linguist friends chatting about interesting things in their field. They keep it pretty approachable for non-linguists (like me)
deleted by creator
I hope you enjoy it! The podcast is in English, but they don’t always talk about English linguistics. One of the two hosts works primarily on Nepalese languages, and they frequently have guests on to discuss their work
I couldn’t find it, can you share the link or at least mention one of the hosters?
I can! Here is the first episode on their website
The episode can be listened to via soundcloud on that page. Slightly further down the page, it has links to the episode on Spotify, iTunes, and Youtube as well, plus an RSS link. The hosts are Lauren Gawne and Gretchen McCulloch
Though I’ve never studied lingthusiasm as a student, I have always preceived it as complex when I read something about it , I’ll give this podcast a try
- Morbid (True Crime/Mysteries)
- Behind the Bastards (History/Biography with some humor)
- No Sleep (Fictional Horror Audiodrama)–
This week’s Behind the Bastards about Jim Caviezel is hilarious.
My son loves Behind the Bastards!
I like Robert Evans