Are home alarm systems worth it? I’m talking about something like ADT or Vivint, with window and door sensors, and automated police calls.
Are those monthly subscriptions worth it? Do you guys have them? Does anyone have any stories where having an alarm system made a break-in situation better? Are they just snake oil?
When the intruder alarm goes off, police are minutes away, the intruder is only seconds from you. You are the only person who can reliably protect you. Buy a gun, learn how to use it, and keep it in an accessible place.
If you are going to spend money on a gun, at least also spend money on steel doors and real locks for your bedrooms. If someone breaks in and actually means you harm, having a defensible keep is far and away the most important aspect of home security.
But 99.9999% of the time, anyone who breaks into your house just wants your shit and not confrontation. Which is why insurance is more important than any gun.
Statistically if you have a gun your risk of death by homicide doubles, and suicide rate triples citation.
Guns don’t make you safe. Dogs are a are an actually effective deterrent for example citation.
Your first link doesn’t separate correlation and causation. Is a high murder rate area more likely to cause people to buy a gun, or the inverse? I can tell you for sure people who are in a bad situation generally don’t just sit on their asses and do nothing.
No it doesn’t, so that’s why I didn’t speculate on the cause. But the statistics don’t lie, and you’d be a fool for assuming you’d be the exception.
As for speculation, guns are tools of escalation. Pulling a gun on robber while half asleep can turn a robbery into a homicide. Not to mention all the stories of people who shoot at intruders who turn out to be police from a no knock warrant and inevitably kill someone.
But it doesn’t matter what the cause for it really is in the end. Owning guns don’t make you safe.
Wrong comment for this platform. Your not wrong though so watch the downvotes roll in. I bet none of the down voters have been in a real active situation of any kind. Reality vs dreams.
Or they don’t want to be a murderer.
Or they don’t want to chance being in a court case where maybe their self-defense claim won’t work.
Or they don’t want to be troubled where if they somehow lose a fight with the intruder, the intruder gets the gun and shoots you.
Or they don’t want any liability regarding the gun.
You don’t think do you? No you don’t, you just want to be right. Dumbass.
You have none of these problems if your dead from the intruder. You do you. Your post seems to reflect your need to be right rather than mine.