Oh absolutely! I’ve logged a few too many hours in Derail Valley. It’s very fun for when I just want to hop on and drive some trains, although it doesn’t really scratch the “I want to play with trains from $SpecificLocale during $SpecificTimeframe” Itch that simulators like Trainz do, where you can for example drive a Metra commuter train from Harvard into Chicago, or jump to Germany and drive the ICE or switch freight wagons in post-grouping Britain, or drive local freights through rural Australia
Stardew you’d at least be fucked in the good way. I mean, just look at Mayor Louis and Marnie
what are your thoughts on Abigail?
her diet lacks minerals
Who doesn’t love Abigail? My wife and I came within a hair of naming our first child Abigail but ultimately chose a different name
Nope. You’d most likely be stuck in the city the player escaped from, or the war that Jodi’s hubby is in in the first year.
Because of your username, are you familiar with Derail Valley Simulator? It’s an excellent locomotive simulator.
Oh absolutely! I’ve logged a few too many hours in Derail Valley. It’s very fun for when I just want to hop on and drive some trains, although it doesn’t really scratch the “I want to play with trains from $SpecificLocale during $SpecificTimeframe” Itch that simulators like Trainz do, where you can for example drive a Metra commuter train from Harvard into Chicago, or jump to Germany and drive the ICE or switch freight wagons in post-grouping Britain, or drive local freights through rural Australia