Wow is still a thing?
Must be comfy under that rock
The rock where I’m actually doing enough with my life so as to not be aware that a cartoonish video game still exists?
Yeah. It’s pretty comfy.
Yet you are on a much more obscure thing called Lemmy. I don’t really care, just pointing out the irony.
And yet- my not caring about a video game enough to know whether or not it still existed is somehow wrong?
ITT: I learn WoW is still a thing. Honestly thought that shit died like 15 years ago.
WoW spelled backwards is WoW.
So is Bob.
You’re wrong. Bob spelled backwards is not WoW 🤓
/s (obviously)
There are people who still admit to playing World of Warcraft to other people?
There are people who still whine about what games others enjoy? Yikes.
Nobody here is whining. I’m just surprised.
It’s OK if you understand that. No one will hate you for it, I promise.
Eh, whatever makes them happy.
I suppose. One of my favorite games is from 1992 and called ultimate underworld.
It was a far superior game regarding storyline, plot, and gameplay.
But I’m not here to yuck anyone. Although that is quite literally what I did.