Arf! I’m Tony Bark. Artist and writer by day. Programmer by night. Gamer all the way.
Most of the reoccurring outlets I cite have an RSS feed that I subscribe to. Research is sourced from Science Daily.
Sounds more bittersweet(ish) than anything.
Musk openly stated that he would, and Trump actually was going to, go to prison if Trump didn’t win the election.
We were so close to that timeline.
I have the Quest 2 before the rebrand. It was great, loved playing bowling with it, but they really do need move beyond being Daydream on steroids.
Just like his first term. Flood the airwaves to drown out the protests.
Just another form of loophole abuse.
I always thought sticking with fossil fuels was dumb even by their standards. Like, “like if you’re goal is isolationism, why cling to something that requires external sources?”
I was just trying to make a simple point, he kept repeating himself, and I asked a new question. Do what you want with that.
Yes it matters. If you’re trying to please one community, why post the AP article to the others? Or your own?
Do the conservative communities (including the one you mod) think the same?
Thank you. Means a lot.
You should be able to figure out that’s a duplicate on your own. It’s literately the same article.
Your Newsweek post from earlier cited AP.
Oh, I know. But this isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with questionable headlines.
Corrected. Honestly wasn’t really about the headline myself.
You already posted this.
Twitter exodus during Biden’s term likely means that word of mouth of what’s going on is now spreading like wildfire.
Florida is toast.
This is coming from the guy who literately waved a fucking chainsaw up at CPAC.
Fair enough.
You can’t give states more autonomy and expect them to listen to you, Trump.