Poland and the Baltic states have taken a first step towards quitting a treaty banning anti-personnel mines, citing an increased security threat from Russia following its invasion of Ukraine.
If we use competence as a measure of whether we can do something or not we wouldn’t get too far in Poland. It’s one of the reasons why I think people scared of sending troops to Ukraine should rethink that. How is an army supposed to get some real experience? Ukrainian and Russian armies are now trained through combat that we know very little about. I’d rather have our army train at the job far away from here. They are paid extremely well (flats for free! in today’s world!) and it’s time to earn that.
If we use competence as a measure of whether we can do something or not we wouldn’t get too far in Poland. It’s one of the reasons why I think people scared of sending troops to Ukraine should rethink that. How is an army supposed to get some real experience? Ukrainian and Russian armies are now trained through combat that we know very little about. I’d rather have our army train at the job far away from here. They are paid extremely well (flats for free! in today’s world!) and it’s time to earn that.