Blocking Garland’s nomination
Allowing Garland to become a feckless AG
Acquitting Trump twice
Stacking the court 6–3
Abusing the filibuster
Sabotaging election security
Fueling division and dysfunction
Mitch McConnell didn’t just enable Trump—he architected the road to American fascism.
Burn in hell, Mitch.
I don’t understand this mother fucker. He worked all his life against this country and now he’s shocked its having issues and may lose ground to a competitor?
He’s not the majority leader any more, and without all the sycophants flattering and distracting him, it turns out that someone has been systematically sabotaging US democracy going back years.
Reminds me of German chancellor Franz von Papen. He was instrumental in bringing Hitler to power but he never accepted responsibility for it, even though he lived until 1969!