The existence of Harambe implies the existence of Halalbe
Underrated comment!
I randomly drunkenly said that to my partner a while ago, apropos of nothing. No idea why it popped into my head.
Shaking my partner awake violently at 12:00am just to look into her eyes and say “First” before immediately falling asleep
absolutely halal
Next year it will be ten years since Harambe died.
Good on this kid for wearing a suit to his interview for a teenaged part time job.
Bad on him for what he did to my boy.
I think the kid is a victim of poor parenting and should be given a bit of slack, but the parents should have been hanged, in my opinion.
This is a meme comment section, you get outta here with your logic and temperence.
It has been a long, long ten years.
I was told time would speed up as I aged.
2019 alone might as well be 10 years ago.
It was also yesterday.
I will put my dick away for the day, out of respect
Dicks out for Harambe
Should I put mine back in and take it out again? Mine was already out.
What if I’m at work?
Oh I’m sorry, are you not prepared to suffer any consequences at all for an important cause? Fucking tourist.
For others like me who have no clue what this meme is about:
In 2016, a 3-year old got into the Gorilla enclosure, where he was grabbed and dragged around by a gorilla, Harambe, which was then shot.
and the timeline hasn’t felt right since
Harambe was the last vestigial of freedom, locked in a cage and then shot to death for acting of his own volition. /s
That’s when the shift happened. Downfall of the US. Video games slapping you with my over quality. Nature preserves declining at an embarrassing rate
We were all so young
So if time travel gets invented, someone should travel back to 2016 to prevent the child from getting into the enclosure and everything will be good.
And then Elon musk made a shitty rap about it 3 years later for some reason.
How the fuck do you not know about that? It’s been talked about and memed almost constantly since then. One of the biggest memes ever.
Alt text: Saying ‘what kind of an idiot doesn’t know about the Yellowstone supervolcano’ is so much more boring than telling someone about the Yellowstone supervolcano for the first time.
It all started with that damn gorilla
Please, no blasphemy.
Also, it didn’t start with Harambe… it started with the end of the world in 2012. Harambe was just another casualty of the Mayan Calendar.
And the large hadron collider, which was first turned on in 2012, ending existence immediately - as predicted by the Mayans.
Right? We’re all dead, what you are experiencing is your last few moments of life stretched out into decades as the chemical and electrical events that in your brain, that keep track of time and interpreted your senses, slow and dull and flicker out. The last gasps and glimmers of a fleeting consciousness hurled into the dark.
Let’s pretend to care for animals for a le funny joke