Is this really NSFW? I find a workplaces that tolerates your usage of lemmy, but not this meme in particular very strange.
Is this really NSFW? I find a workplaces that tolerates your usage of lemmy, but not this meme in particular very strange.
I’d hate to think of people getting chickens just for food and neglecting then otherwise
What do you think farm chickens’ life looks like?
For others like me who have no clue what this meme is about:
In 2016, a 3-year old got into the Gorilla enclosure, where he was grabbed and dragged around by a gorilla, Harambe, which was then shot.
Die Datenstruktur:
arztId: string
patientId: string
Datum: string
Uhrzeit: string
Zeitzone: string
istBetriebsarzt: string
prüfungBestanden: string
Du bist wohl kein Programmierer :) – oder hast vergessen, dass der Happy Path oft trivial ist und die meiste Arbeit in „Was passiert, wenn man versucht, einen Mitarbeiter in der doppelten Stunde der Zeitumstellung zu planen, der bereits seine Wochenarbeitszeit erreicht hat, aber in der Monatszeit noch Luft ist, solange die letzte Betriebsärztliche Prüfung nicht länger als 3 Monate in der Vergangenheit liegt und gleichzeitig Arbeitsschutz nach §4123 HasteNichG vorliegt?“ steckt.
You can’t do that when things are above/below.
You obviously have never been near a tree with a singing bird in it. You can definitely tell that the sound comes from above. That’s because the shape of the outer portion of the ear somehow funnels the sound in a way that makes it possible for the brain to determine the origin of the sound.
I think owl meant to talk in Microsoft’s voice.