I’d gladly take it, if it guarantees, that Musk, Trump+ his cabinet, and these healthcare Oligarchs were right after.
I’d gladly take it, if it guarantees, that Musk, Trump+ his cabinet, and these healthcare Oligarchs were right after.
The last two missed 😒 it’s impossible
Reddit temporarily timed me out from blocking. So it sounds like I’d need a bot for this
No wonder I couldn’t comment properly, guess I’ll go to r/conservative and mass block everyone that will be hilarious
it’s mayonnaise and some other shit mixed together especially sugar. Americans use it to forget what vegetables taste like.
Pizza is a vegetable in America
Yeah especially when Teddit or discord flip the script but Reddit’s semi implosion could have led to a resurgence if their Admins hadn’t calmed down
Everything goes back, no progress happens here
I’m just stuck there, when the year rolls over 2000 never comes
Since when did Skitter start making candy
Yeah but I meant your everyday American. You’re not walking down the street seeing your local prisoner carrying some yuppie’s shopping bags.
They’re scraping roadkill off highways and picking cotton. I’m suggesting they’ll change not only what forced labor is allowed but also how it looks.
Yeah that’s the typical chain gang type labor that we’ve always allowed. But I’m pretty sure a random citizen can’t just rent a single person atm. And it’s not going to be retail or office jobs. Who wouldn’t want their own prison “secretary”.
If you think American Evangelicals can read their own holy book and that not reading or comprehending it has stopped them you’re either not from here or living under heavy drugs.
Ah my mistake I’m still living in 1999
That’s fucking weird
I mean in a year or so I’m sure the US will allow people “rent” prisoners and some of them will even be locally sourced!
So we’re just going to have to sit here and let Israel murder these kids. Yeah religion is trash
If the Government had let him cook I believe he’d have gotten to 25% too
Nice the train is only 15 minutes late? That’s awesome - me riding any train in the US
I deleted my first account but I should have hit it with the power delete first
It’s 15000 pages of evidence for his alibi