Would you curiosity win? Or would the fear of death win?
If you’ve watched Avatar, I’m talking about city like Ba Sing Se, but IRL.
I’d tell myself I’m going to do it, but chicken out.
Y’all should watch Silo.
It depends on the danger I was told about. If it was poisoned gas like Bad Boy Bubby then I don’t think so. If it was just there are dangerous or violent people out there then maybe.
If there were rumours that the outside world wasn’t actually dangerous that might have swayed me when I was younger but probably not now.
Absolutely. I was teaching English with Mormons in Kiev, UA in 2014 (as a volunteer, I am not Mormon). The nonprofit we were with stressed to us that we should absolutely, under no circumstance, go to Maidan (city center). This was when the revolution was just starting. Of course I went anyway.
At least when I was in Ukraine at that time, all the discord was contained within Maidan and the eastern regions. Life elsewhere went on as usual. I’m not sure if it is the same now. But it felt like going between two worlds.
OP go watch the movie The Village
Or pretty recent, The Silo. Its very good but it’s mostly* only on APPLE TV
- 🏴☠️
Nah, I’d probably believe it, unless things inside the city were so bad I had some reason to doubt.
For sure. I’d volunteer to be the first person on Venus knowing it would be a death sentence.
Depends on how high you are. (In the atmosphere, physically, not just totally blazed.)
Should We Colonize Venus Instead of Mars?
At a specific altitude, the atmosphere of Venus is the secondary most hospitable place in the Solar System after Earth. You’d “only” need an oxygen mask and protective gear from the acid rain iirc. So like pressure and heat would be within human tolerance. I don’t remember well watch the video.
At least you’d be remembered forever 🫡
The person that you are now is not the person that you would be if you grew up in that situation.
That me is a stranger to this me I have no basis to guess what that stranger might do.
It’s called New Jersey since those people can’t pump their own gas, they can’t venture into the rest of America haha.
I mean, they could. They would just have to take a bus lol
Nice try, raider. I’m staying in the vault.
Would you clean?
I want to go out.