It seems like a super appropriate use for them.
It seems like a super appropriate use for them.
Do you have any statistics regarding how likely a water eruption is? Because I microwaved water daily for nearly a decade without issue.
The turnstile removes most of the risk because super heating is a lot more difficult with moving water. Plus, most glasses aren’t perfectly smooth and have plenty of imperfections to provide nucleation points.
I think explosions were more common with microwaves that don’t have turnstiles. The movement of the water helps prevent super heating to that point.
It’s because the microwave gets the water a bit hotter than boiling. Just give it like 15 seconds and it shouldn’t foam.
While I own one, it’s another appliance that takes up space.
But boiling a tea bag is wrong no matter what your heat source is.
You know you can wait like 15 seconds before opening the microwave and putting something in, right? Even with my electric kettle I give it a few seconds before doing anything.
I’m not sure why the hate for microwaves exist. It’s literally just another method for making water move fast. It has absolutely no impact on the final product, as hot water is hot water no matter the heat source.
For sure. I’d volunteer to be the first person on Venus knowing it would be a death sentence.
“Hold my beer.”
-The US
It’s kind of cheating, but [Popplagið] by Sigur Rós. I’d argue that the vocals in it are instrumental, since they’re in a made-up language consisting of gibberish words.