Is anyone else noticing an uptick in far-right content and Russian propaganda on reddit lately?
To me it almost seems like reddit has started pushing it.
Is anyone else noticing an uptick in far-right content and Russian propaganda on reddit lately?
To me it almost seems like reddit has started pushing it.
The assets are easy to spot because they spout Russian propaganda, are more articulate, show up suspiciously early in threads, and often post when it is night in the USA. I generally assume the threads with a sheer mass of early comments spouting Russian propaganda are bots, since they have bad grammar, and almost never respond. I guess they could just be from a huge troll farm with bad grammar that almost never response to comments.
How do you determine that something is Russian propaganda specifically?
It’s usually not subtle, and are almost always outright lies. Statements along the lines of ‘Ukraine is infested with Nazis, so invasion was justified’, ‘The threat of Ukraine joining NATO caused the war’, ‘Russia is the new Rome’, etc.
Ok, but that doesn’t answer my question. How do you determine that something is Russian propaganda specifically?