Sanders is one of the most popular politicians in the US, and his political analysis and messaging remain as relevant and compelling as ever. But while his Tour to Fight Oligarchy is inspiring and important, the broad left badly needs a political vision that goes beyond Sanders.
Bernie is the only leftist in the Senate. So until that changes it will be impossible to move beyond him.
We need a progressive takeover of the democratic party. The MAGAs tranformed the republican party in what 10 years?
If we have midterms it has to start then.
I think the language is funky. They’re saying beyond, like take his ideas and go even further, not move away from Bernie. They want more and better of him.
The Left needs to get rid of fucking Schumer.
Let Bernie retire, because the man was there for the signing of the declaration (pretty sure his signature is just below Adams’s.)
Let the man retire. Get rido f the Quaislings that seem content to be ineffectual opposition.
Do stuff other than beg the base for money and give people somethign they can be involved in. Start looking at community efforts. Build ties at the base’s own level so the base SEES the Democratic party Doing stuff locally that HELPS them.
we can’t get more than what sanders wants if we can’t even get what sanders wants
Yep, article is well meaning but dumb.
Idealism is great, but politics requires pragmatism. Which is why people like AOC and Bernie (who are well left of Kamala politically) still told voters to vote for Kamala in the election - she was the only way to avoid Trump, she was the pragmatic choice.
But apparently we’ll be discussing why it’s a dumb idea to be a protest voter in a very close election for the next four years non-stop.
Centrists need to stop telling leftists what to do and what is good for them or they’re going to keep on losing elections.
It’s not coming from a centrist in this case: the article is written by someone who argues Bernie is insufficiently left.
there wont be anyone like sanders or aoc, and all other imitation dems turn out to be shills for the gop.
i.e. Fetterman.
When the party supported him instead of pulling funding, it should have been clear that he was lying about being a progressive.
Almost like some sort of grassroots 3rd party that is literally too radical of an idea for you fools in this community who argued Biden (and Harris) was somehow more leftist than Obama.
Yes, let’s lose worse.
Without ranked choice voting, the only option is to fix it from within.
RCV is not something the two party system would willingly allow to occur in enough states to matter, and it’s not a base requirement for a 3rd party to succeed.
Pakistan doesn’t have RCV, it took them 20 years which included a 10 year military dictatorship and 10 years of faked paper ballots and miscounts. No way the US would need more than that considering we don’t have massive issues involving voter fraud.
I’m sick of people disregarding 3rd party with what is essentially a flawed argument of the two party system used to convince people 3rd parties are impossible.
You would be surprised at the amount of increased turnout from the nonvoters group that would gain wins in an FPTP system despite the disadvantage.