Modern conservatives lack the creativity to imagine plausible damning accusations.
They must draw from life.
When they hilariously try, we get “Jewish space lasers” and “pizza parlor child fight club rings.”
Then they get angry that basically every creative and artistic field is dominated specifically by not them. When they get handed a budget to attempt creativity, we get preachfest garbage like “God’s not dead 23” that spends 2 hours basically turning to the camera lecturing viewers about conservative grievances in the form of repetitive gotcha strawman scenarios like it’s Festivus.
That’s the problem with only hating, with only negativity, with only being against change. It’s like trying to grow a flower by watering it with vinegar.
If empathy is the weakness to my species, I’m glad we’re committing suicide by capitalist made climate change.
Without empathy, we have no redeeming characteristics and nothing of value will be lost.