Last time I tried? Last year before new computer.
Next time l try? I dunno. It will happen again, not sure when.
One of them Carpenter nerd types.
Last time I tried? Last year before new computer.
Next time l try? I dunno. It will happen again, not sure when.
It feels like it’s always been this way. The amount of ‘doom clones’ from the way back times are not to be forgotten.
Now they’re made with marketable ‘passion’, ‘dedication’, and a team with ‘a family atmosphere’. My personal favorite ‘respect for the lore and previous games in the series’ definitely never has made a triple A game worse for wear.
Disingenuous buzzwords with no objective meaning behind them are my favorite things to hear in a game. It tells me to steer clear as far away as I possibly can. Which is a shame because I’d like to be excited about vampire: the masquerade 2.
Don’t need the whole body, just turn all my joints/cartilage/soft tissue back to 18 and I’ll just keep it moving (literally)
I’ve been finishing up random challenges in monster hunter wilds. There’s not much left on the ‘achievable without rng shenanigans’ list for me to get, so I’ve started planning for the next one.
Metal bringer. It’s a looter rogue lite in which you play as the daughter of amazing science family whose legacy has been besmirched or something, causing you to have to get out into a world of bots that need some good 'sploding.
The game loop eventually leads to starting with a massive mech and trashing the early game. The boss designs and weapons are really nice though some of the areas give me a headache.
It’s nice to see how many of yall are quick with whatever your favorite fictional universe is…
I have never put much thought into one I’d deem as a favorite. I like a lot of games, shows, books, and such… But I don’t think I’d be able to pick just one.