Fair enough, but if she’s not surprised, and knows it’s illegal, I’m not sure what else to say, except for, if you’re going to protest you might get arrested for the protest, especially if that protest is practicing medicine without a license for the procedure.
You want to protest a law do it another way. Transport the people to another state where they can have it done legally, if it’s feasible to do so healthwise. And yes I’m aware there’s probably a law against transporting them, but it’s a lot less risky protest than practicing medicine on someone without a license to do it.
Otherwise campaign to have elected officials that won’t pass laws like that.
Well I can totally agree with this, life is greater than law. I would assume Good Samaritan laws would protect anyone practicing medicine without a license in that case.
But if someone is constantly doing a procedure where death is not imminent, then that’s something different, and it should only be done by license personnel.
There’s two different scenarios described (risk of immediate death, vs not), and what I’ve seen done usually by people who support protesting by regularly doing the procedure, is that they mix those two scenarios together, in essence creating a legal loophole.
Save lives, definitely do it. Just protesting, you better be licensed.
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