He’s not very vocally pro-Trump at the moment. To be honest, the whole Trump-situation is his worst nightmare as, firstly, Trump’s idiocy has changed the political debate in the Netherlands from revolving around Wilders’ favourite topic (immigration) to national defence, and secondly, in this new debate he’s at a disadvantage as he’s been openly pro-Trump, and also openly pro-Putin.
But Vincent is correct that Wilders is a one-issue party. On other issues than migration, the PVV pretty much just goes along with the right-wing liberal VVD.
I wouldn’t say so at the moment. Looking it up a bit, this seems to have been a motion essentially requesting the government to look into alternatives. But this is also what the expert said in the article:
Honestly, our current cabinet is in such a bad state (not that it’s been in a good state at any point of its existence), I don’t expect them go get anything done.