You operate a cafe and sell stuff that is trash 5 minutes later? You print a trash bin.
You operate a cafe and sell stuff that is trash 5 minutes later? You print a trash bin.
Yes, they are. But that does not make it better that there is no bin. I have been in a situation with no bin but trash that can not simply be carried (disgusting liquid) and had to dump it. That is extremely rare for me, I usually pick up others trash. But there are situations where you simply need a bin, no matter how green you are.
There are still hostages? Fucking hell why do they need to be such a pile of shit too?
Does “older games” only mean the initial public release? So world of Warcraft, Dota 2, Minecraft… all those games that are constantly updated etc. too?
Because that would be a really useless statistic. Many games are not a one time release and done thing anymore. They evolve over time. The games I listed have large player bases.
“the thief gave me money to shut up, I see nothing negative for me”
I do not really understand what you mean. What is the difference? If it is “okay” to buy a flag now to support the cause, why would it not be okay to have done so a year ago?
Also, sounds like this person would not hang the flag in their room, so the folding marks would be there anyway?
Slow in rearming? France had an army absolutely equal to Germany. Look at the stats: battle of France. The point is that Germany saw a shift in technology and what that meant for warfare and were faster with that. The same way drones are now the mayor thing and help Ukraine defend itself.