Then we shall die on our feet.
Nothing we could conceivably do could ever possibly prevent that entirely. Shit is going to get BAD no matter what we do. We are still maybe able to prevent our extinction/near-extinction in the coming centuries. But famine and disease will be rampant once again in every country. Borders will be guarded with machine guns that are used liberally in many modern western countries.
Are you aware of what everyone is doing in their garages or planning in their minds? Not everyone talks openly about very dire measures that they feel may be necessary in the future. A big part of the pepper community is to not tell people about your stash. I imagine that line of thinking extends to this as it’s basically the same mindset
I am playing no games, dickless
We hope it doesn’t happen and that we can get change through her. If not, we keep the guillotines sharp.
The revolution will be bloodless, if they allow it, right?
Isn’t it strange how you can get to be an elected official with that many investigations by the government into you? There is a background check that is extensive and yet for these jokes that is apparently reduced to, “ah yes we see you have an extensive background. jolly good. :) kiss”
Just do what I do which is very healthy and definitely a long term solution.
Inbibe a crazy cocktail of stimulants and depressants until you feel and think nothing, then giggle at the funny pictures on the screen until you fall asleep.
I promise, this brings lasting joy, contentment and real material changes in the world and your life.