The background is Blue.
The words are MAGA.
I wonder if there is a term for this.
So if I write a book that says Chuck Schumer has to be my bitch, he has to do it?
It’s in a book after all
You also have to tell him that GOD actually wrote it.
If you convince enough people with you’re book, sure.
Let’s start with vote 1
“That thing we wrote says the land is ours, so of course it is. Why don’t these filthy savages believe in that thing we wrote?”
But my book says it’s our land. So we should put our book and their book in a ring to fight it out. The winner takes the land. This is the only logical solution to this problem.
Fuck him. He’s factually wrong first of all, but even if he wasn’t religious ethnonationalism is always wrong
Ah yes another but the bronze age man said so moment
Same logic evangelical Christians use to oppress LGBTQ folks here at home, Chuck. But you knew that, which is why you don’t care about that either, beyond your performative outrage to get votes.
These crusty old dirt worshipers need to go. Every last one of them.
so… third party this time?!?!
I wish I could say yes, and maybe between shit like this and Elon threatening Social Security there will be enough angry people to make a third party viable, but I’m not holding my breath on that. This country has been in love with binary choice since the beginning. Everything is black or white, good or evil, win or lose, right or wrong, us or them… You introduce any kind of nuance and people lose their fucking minds.
Start building one. Use the annuals and the biannual elections as proofs of concept. Right now I’m more open to voting 3rd party than ever before but I’m not wasting my vote
Nah. Just guns at this point.
The term is “fucking traitor that needs to be censured and primaries”. Get this MAGAt wannabe out of office, but first get him out of any democratic positions/appointments.
Schumer is really letting the mask slip lately. Time for him to go.
There’s a mid term for this
if this bastard is a shill for zio’s, your country’s continued existence means opposing them, personally and politically, at every opportunity.
I just wrote a book that says that Chuck Schumer’s house is on my ancestral homeland, because my deity says so. That makes it Chuck’s fault when I drop bombs on it.
Does it have to be written in a book to qualify? I’m pretty sure there are several Native American tribes that might have something to say about this.
I’ll happily bind up some pages into a book for you.
I’m sure it has to be written in a book for Chuck Schumer to think it qualifies.
I recently did some wiki digging into the formation of Israel and it legitimately surprised me how illegitimate the country is. They were given land (not a state) and welcomed by Palestinians, then they flipped their shit over time and took everything. They were not oppressed but radicalized over imaginary oppression and used it as a tool to oppress Palestine.
The whole world is complicit or gaslit into buying this garbage. Insane that the two state solution is seen as compromise to Palestinians when it should be considered the only compromise given to Israel.
This prompted me to do a wiki dig. TIL Israel was founded by an actual Jewish Nazi group and they even named a military ribbon after them.
In April 1948, Lehi and the Irgun were jointly responsible for the massacre in Deir Yassin of at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children. Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East, and made many other attacks on the British in Palestine. On 29 May 1948, the government of Israel, having inducted its activist members into the Israel Defense Forces, formally disbanded Lehi, though some of its members carried out one more terrorist act, the assassination of Folke Bernadotte some months later, an act condemned by Bernadotte’s replacement as mediator, Ralph Bunche. After the assassination, the new Israeli government declared Lehi a terrorist organization, arresting some 200 members and convicting some of the leaders. Just before the first Israeli elections in January 1949, a general amnesty to Lehi members was granted by the government. In 1980, Israel instituted a military decoration, an “award for activity in the struggle for the establishment of Israel”, the Lehi ribbon. Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983.
Dug up something called Banner of the Zionist Gang so I googled it and these are the first two images.
On the left is standard Soviet propaganda, racism included, and on the right is the symbol of the actual Jewish Nazi gang being sold on fucking Amazon
When I started to learn about it i thought it was the first account I had heard of documenting precisely why a country should never allow unchecked immigration… -Not that the palestinians were given much of a choice by their british colonizers.
How about this as a compromise: all adults get to vote and the right to freedom of religion is unassailable. Why isn’t that on the table?
That’s the One State solution, and it isn’t on the table because it’s unacceptable to Israel.
Israel wants to be a Jewish state, so secular humanism wouldn’t be a compatible policy they’d agree to.
I don’t think there is a two state solution because of how intertwined the West Bank is.
I don’t think there is a one state solution because of how much all the sides hate eachother.
The whole area is a festering wound on the face of our common humanity. We need to administer antibiotic and depose the leaders who spread hate in the area from within and from the outside like Schumer here. “They don’t believe in the Torah”, why should any book have final say?
Edit: I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted. I wish what you were saying was possible. In any sane country it would be reasonable.
I understand that most nations were founded via genocide, but can you imagine feeling any pride on your country whatsoever when the whole world is regularly watching 4K footage of your nation bombing destitute women & children?
Like, goddamn.
Israel is forever cursed by its own cruelty.
Look at what he stands for.
Look at what he caves on.
Genocide is centrism’s only actual policy.
Even if you take what he says at face value, his conclusion still doesn’t even follow logically.
Fuck religions.
deleted by creator
Counterpoint for Judaism: The Torah explicitly states that Jews do not own the land until the Messiah returns. So technically Shumer is not correct
Religious Jews from organisations such as Naturei Karta frequently demonstrate against Israel.
Bar Kokhba was identified as their messiah, during the third and last Roman-Jewish war. Bar Kokhba genocided every greek and roman person he could find and created a new “Israel” for about 2 years. The Romans eventually marched back in with a massive army of 12 legions and counter genocided the whole place, shattering Judaism for a millenia.
I’d recommend reading the wikipedia articles from 2021, as that wikipedia has been a battleground of rewrites in the past 4 years, all focussed on rewriting it completely to change the narrative to Romans: pretty bad, jewish rebels: pretty good.
heres the older version:
Heres the current rewritten one:
Not that I support it but the Vatican is VERY DIFFERENT than Israel. It has no real power by design and is not an autonomous country by any means
It has no real power
The Vatican? I mean, some number of billion dollars and quite an impressive userbase.
I think you meant like armies and weapons etc., though, which is fair enough.
I meant political power
Uhhh… They have kind of absurd political power. The Vatican is essentially the decision making body of something a close to an international political business with a history of teaming up with governments to support initiatives.
Like look at the genocidal regime of residential schools in Canada. While they were a government initiative 2/3 of them were run directly by the Catholic church.
Political power doesn’t always mean strictly “interfaces directly with official government” either. Politics is the web of citizen buy in to how the world should be run. The Catholic Church is incredibly influential on citizens many of whom take the directives of the church and translate it into agency in a multitude of ways. It’s not a perfect control but it’s certainly used to shape the political landscape the world over.
The couch fucker, untold numbers of the Trump admin (including RFK), and half the Supreme Court are a Catholics, and not the friendly rapist grandpa kind, the weird no contraceptive, private schooling, and also rapist conservative Catholics.
While I agree with your premise they did plan an assassination of the leader of a country back in the late 30s early 40s. Everyone was just cool with it because it was Hitler.
I’d say that’s a far cry from planning a genocide
It’s amazing how many opinions are framed as if the world has a Mom and Dad who should be enforcing what’s right.