And an “advertiser content” tagged to the top of the article.
Carney is probably the smartest man at the big table right now and he knows how to play the game.
This is gonna be interesting to watch.
They’re not dumping any leftovers because they didn’t buy HBC for the stores … they bought it because of all the land HBC owns.
Probably both.
It would not surprise me at all to learn that cheeto had put some pressure on HBC’s ownership to start this ball rolling. After all Trump has said he’d use economic pressure to annex Canada. Almost 10,000 people out of a job almost overnight would fit the bill.
Liquidating its entire business would put more than 9,000 jobs at risk.
If nothing else you should feel something for the 9000 Canadians that will be out of a job.
Ultimately, institutions alone do not protect a country from the rise of authoritarianism. Democracy can be fragile. As a federal election approaches in Canada, it’s important to know the warning signs of extremism and anti-democratic practices that are creeping into our politics.
Keep your eyes and ears open and your elbows up, Canada.
No. Their manipulation of poorer nations where China ‘lends’ them the money to complete projects that primarily benefit China, leaving the nations forever in China’s debt.
Dear Mr Sondland,
Go fuck yourself.
Quebec voters aren’t any more fickle than the rest of Canada. They are smart, engaging and ready to stand up for their nation and culture.
Treating them as something less-than is sickening. Please stop it.
LPC + BQ makes more sense as the BQ isn’t too friendly with the CPC.
Besides it’s time the BQ had some power in federal politics, if for no other reason than to show English Canada that they’re not the monsters we think they are.
What’s the problem?? China has shown its intent in other parts of the world with its ‘belt and road’ initiative and, tbh, Canada has little incentive to join that. Never mind the fact that the scumbag Stephen Harper locked us into a decidedly one-sided, 31 year long FIPPA with China that can’t end until 2045.
Added to that is all the money laundering and fraud that China committed here beginning in the '90s.
Most Canadians are aware of this stuff, so are wary of joining forces with China in any way, shape or form.
Trump says a lot of stupid shit.
Yes he does, but strangely enough he’s followed through with a lot more of it in his 2.0 incarnation.
Do you think Canada can buy enough jets to even matter?
As I said previously I’m not even sure we could have any delivered before the conflict began. But that shouldn’t negate us at least trying.
Can you even imagine how much that would cost?
Yes, billions of dollars.
Would you also recommend that Ukraine stop spending money it doesn’t have to fight Russia? I sure hope not.
Is there even enough productive capacity in the world for those jets to be delivered in less than ten years?
Already answered more than once.
If it comes to a fight against the US the best strategy is guerilla warfare.
Agreed. That is what we will end up in. I’m wondering why you wouldn’t want more fighting power tho?
Trump has said on multiple occasions that Canada WILL become the 51st state. In order to keep at least a modicum of democracy alive here we must fight to save it, because every form of diplomacy we’ve tried has failed.
Trump wants Canada under his thumb, and when someone tells you who they are and what they want, believe them.
So yes, we need everything we can get to help the nation survive, including fighter jets … although tbf I’m not even sure we’d get them in time. But we have to try, no matter what.
If that’s not your thing, fine. You have every right to choose differently. But don’t condemn those of us who are willing to fight.
It’s mostly due to the fact the Via has to share the track system with CN, and CN takes priority over Via.
Yes the feds should have been pushing for a separate track system but they didn’t.
Maybe once we win this stupid fucking ‘war’ we seem to heading for we can press for a proper system to be set up.
New rule (hopefully Carney enacts) … no private equity firm is allowed to have a controlling interest in a Canadian company. Period.
I’m sure I remember hearing the US president say that the border between Canada and America was just an imaginary line. If that’s true then Canada should just take over Alaska. I means we have more in common with each other than Alaska has with the continental US.
Anyone with any knowledge of private equity knew this would happen. PE buys a business, sells off all the profitable bits, then leaves the rotting corpse for governments to clean up.
HBC engineered its own demise.
Yup. If Trump keeps on like this it’ll turn into a full-on embargo by dozens of nations.