You’ll laugh!.You’ll cry! You’ll kiss three bucks goodbye!
You’ll laugh!.You’ll cry! You’ll kiss three bucks goodbye!
…Maybe I’m the plucky comic relief…
Yeah! The wild part is that many hardcore Trek fans - myself included, of course - just take it for granted that Galaxy Quest will be included, and toward the top end, of any ranking of Trek films.
I too recognize that this person’s coworkers are fucking idiots.
I think anyone should only be allowed to own, say, $10 million in assets.
Agreed. And I’m willing to let them have an annual cost of living adjustment of exactly the same percentage that minimum wage goes up by.
I’ve gotten the most interest from others when I’ve been focused on my own goals, anyway.
Try to relax and enjoy the ride. Relaxed people are attractive.
Trust your future self to make good dating choices, when the opportunity arrives.
That said, it took me awhile to wise up and establish some very basic fashion sense.
If I could tell my past self one thing about dating, it would be:
Classic looks never go out of style, but “not even trying” never goes into style.
I took too long to figure that one out.
This one threw my head for a spin. Had to take a deep dive to disentangle what was original and what the Simpsons added.
And frankly, some of the Simpsons musical numbers would have done the original films credit.