So the traitor gives demands? Bold strategy cotton, let’s see if it pays off.
Traitors like her deserve a cell while waiting for their sentence.
So the traitor gives demands? Bold strategy cotton, let’s see if it pays off.
Traitors like her deserve a cell while waiting for their sentence.
I’m excited that my company could break 2 million in revenue this year. 1.7 at the least.
I literally just got permabanned for saying fuck you. Reddits dogshit now,
My favorite game is actually 3. The mass effect trilogy. I designed my first tattoo around the n7 renegade and paragon symbols. Second is definitely Mario bros 3. Still play it every once in a while.
They don’t give a single fuck about any letter you make, any protest you do. Any law you say they broke. What the fuck are you going to do about ir? Until that answer is armed revolt they will not give a single fuck about anything you do.
Oh I can enrage americans? Awesome. It’s going to be a good day. A not getting banned off reddit day.
She is wrong on the co2. brawndo is what plants crave, it has electrolytes.