Trolling is a art.
I’ve got underwear older than this cat meme
We build you till nothing remains.
The egg cracks and the truth will emerge out of you.
You are home.
You remind us of home.
You’ve taken your boss with your boss with you.
All hair must be eaten.
Pfft. You haven’t lived until you’ve made your own knockoff LSD out of untreated morning glory seeds, pure grain alcohol, and ether from a can of starter fluid.
(just playin’ with that last part; it just made me chuckle to be mean about hallucinogens making me retarded)
Sorry for ruining the plot
How do you know op is gay?
Edit for those who have never seen the full series of commercials: Long Long Man ends up marrying the dude who is always with the gal who is always lusting over Long Long Man
Lesbians. Hate that they aren’t into me, but damnit I get it.