Someone just asked the opposite of this question here and I was wondering if there are cases were you’re just not interested in something but you know the community is great nonetheless.
Pineapple on pizza. You’re wrong and I wanna fight you but we can still be friends and have a good time over drinks.
One that’s less relevant now, but throughout my life has been relevant: Juggalos.
I was a big metalhead in school, and i had a bunch of juggalo friends. I liked a couple of their songs well enough, but I found the “culture” grating. Still, those mothafuckas were the most accepting and tolerant people I knew. Tolerant of anyone’s way of life, except they fucking hated bigots. In the 90s, being accepting of queer peeps really wasn’t in vogue (to put it lightly) but juggalos welcomed queer peeps as friends with open arms.
I don’t like to dress in a slutty outfit and go out in the public
Furries are cool people
and the backbone of modern societyThis. To be clear I have absolutely no problem with furries existing and I believe anything less than letting y’all be would be tantamount to treason.
But God damn I just cannot understand it. I don’t get it. And it weirds me out.
Like I said, I would actually fight to defend your right to wear your fur suit out in public. But I’m also going to make fun of you because man it’s just weird.
Although I did have a coworker (I work in IT so this isn’t actually that surprising) who was a furry and he tried to meow at me one time when I called his name. Don’t do that. That was weird. Just tell me what you did to fix the computer man.
I was never into furry stuff, but I hung out with an online furry community way back in 2006. Furries are cool. Furryism is just not for me.
Same, lots of great people and a nice community. As a whole, they’re very accepting folks too and have no problems with the respectful non-furs.
Eggs. Never much liked eggs outside of scrambled or omelets and I only really tolerate those but I know pretty much everyone else likes them so 🤷
Lesbians. Hate that they aren’t into me, but damnit I get it.
Dudes that are into piss
Surprising from a user named stinky. I guess you’re more the type who don’t frown when you go down to brown town.
the entire point of the thread
Meat-eating and political apathy. Few people are vegetarians at this point in history, and activism tend to attract defective personalities.
If it sounds like I must be a misanthropic bastard that hates everyone, unfortunately, yeah, I think I do at this point.
For me it’s Metal music. It’s just absolutely not my genre but an overwhelming amount of metalheads I met were just the nicest, most wholesome and fun people all around.
We trash and bash in the mosh pitts, and get out our aggression. But if someone falls, you YANK them up. Many times I’ve fallen, and then suddenly felt myself lifted high into the air by the hand of god. Then I can see who lifted me, and it turns out it wasn’t god. It was a long haired, bearded, tattood muscleman. Which makes sense. I’m like 300lbs. If you’re suddenly yanking me up effortlessly, you’re a big muscle man. And then there’s other times I see women fall. I yank them up. I’m doing the right thing, I KNOW I’m doing the right thing, but the whole time I’m just like “Sorry sorry sorry sorry.” because you don’t aim where you grab. You grab and yank up, by whatever you can. You don’t want the pitt to come her way and stomp her head, not knowing she exists down there. So yank, but also “Sorry sorry sorry sorry”. I’ve yet to have any women mad at me for doing it, they get it, but MAN it feels weird just grabbing a woman like that.
Pushing, shoving, looks like a massive fist fight but it’s all love. We’re trusting them with our life. They’re trusting us with theirs. We all get super violent, and have a good time. Then the show lets out, and we’re like “Oh, you wanna go get some late night eats? Anyone know a good gyro spot?”, and we’re just friendly for the rest of the day. We’re like the Canadians of music genres. Violent when we play, and friendly the rest of the time.
Funny. For me mosh pitts don’t have association with metal. I married an ozzy fan though.
That’s funny. That was the first thing that popped in my head. I don’t know how to pronounce any of your favorite Scandinavian bands’ names, but I think we’ll get along just fine.
There is research and papers showing that heavy music in general can actually be therapeutic and make someone calmer, rather than the perceived opposite effect. It can be a great outlet. I listen to metal, heavy music, all the time but when I have used it as a coping mechanism, i.e. an outlet for stress, it has definitely allowed me to release such tension. Not only that, but singing/screaming to vocals along to the music surely does release all of energy, and while there are outsiders who might perceive the music as ‘angry’ the incorrect connection they’re making is that anger is an energetic emotion, as in unreleased energy/tension. Metal isn’t angry music, it is energetic. That is why it makes such good workout music. It stimulates and satisfies that part of our lives, letting us be some of the ‘nicest, most wholesome and fun people all around’.
You’re all in it together. That’s just the whole vibe
I’d believe the research on a heartbeat. I don’t listen to metal very often and I’m pretty picky about subgenres, but when I’m in a horrible terrible mood, I’ll slap on some of the hardest most pig squealing, swallowing the microphone, quadruple bass pedal stuff I can find. After an hour or so of that, I usually feel much better.
Metal Heads will absolutely be your best friends in time of need. Need help moving a body, no questions asked? Call your metal friend.
Books. I’m dyslexic as fuck but heavy readers are mostly chill people.
Did you ever get into audio books? It’s nice to have someone else read to you at bedtime or during a commute.
Ooohh ooh audio books are my bag baby yeah.
Podcasts too.
It’s all about timbre and accent. I could listen to the right voice read the phone book.
See, I have ebooks I want in audio, so I have to settle for ‘robot’ android voice when there is no ‘audiobook option’
Any good podcast recs? Any genre/subject is fine.
Ancient civilisations. Noiser network. Paul McGann is the Narrator.
Smokers. They have decades of being able to strike up an angry conversation in a street with an absolute stranger, whilst never letting it escalate, because, fuckit, brotherhood of smokers.
Plus a healthy appreciation of nature. Sure you can smoke and look at your phone, but you still have to be outside and that means glancing up from time to time to look at the scenery, the night sky, to wave at your neighbours, etc.
Good people smokers, filthy habit.
(Vapers dont count, cos you can’t really share a vape concurrently. Also a lot of them take pride in their devices which I find weird. Real smokers have a decent sense of self-hatred at their habit)
Old school vapers at least, ones that still roll their own coils and rewick their rebuildable atomizers, would almost always have a device that they have customized themselves, or gotten a very beautiful custom mod.
Also vaping is a bit different in that you could vape using a device akin to smoking, or you could be vaping up a storm cloud like a shisha or bing would, or anything in between.
It’s a personal thing. At least in the opinion if this vaper.
Oh yeah the vaping crowd is definitely creative, but they don’t share with strangers cos they physically can’t
Fuck yeah, I miss it. Smokers are my people. Risk takers, nihilists, indulgers, hedonists, adventurers, rebels, fun-havers… but I’ve gotten domesticated and want to live a long and clean life. Sigh.
Burn, Burn, Burn by Ronnie Elliott is now stuck in my head.
Same, but it’s not really living is it
Clement Freud said “You don’t live longer, it only seems longer.”
It is and it isn’t. My current goals and priorities require as long of a horizon to accomplish them and as much focus as possible. Or do they? if I got back into the risky overdrive mode and accelerated full speed and full joy all at once…
Not sure what kind of smokers you meet. The ones I have to deal with blow cancer in my face right next to children, get aggressive when I ask them not to, spit on the floor every 5s, throw their still lit cigs into trash bins or into nature and cant stop coughing on the train.
yeah and I have to say even nice smokers seem to have no issue with flicking their but when they are done. Anytime I see a smoker hold onto their but when there is not some sort of enforcement I am like. That person is the rare saint.
Those are just assholes who happen to smoke
There’s some in every crowd.
Ah yep, my people. The good ones can cast an indignant parent/kid-free zone up to 15m away. Solitary creatures by nature, they hunt in packs, and if you manage to friend one, you friend them for life.
Marijuana Aficionados. I’ve been straight edge my entire life but always hung out with them. Now, it is more common since legal restrictions have been lifted. The community in general is well, chill.
My dad gave me advice a hundred years ago, and it’s probably a George Carlin bit or something, but there’s a difference in philosophy between drunks and stoners. A drunk will pound a beer, or sip from a personal flask, or bring their own six pack to a party. A stoner’s first impulse is to light a joint and find someone to pass it off to. It’s communal, and it brings others into the circle, where alcohol is isolating. Obviously it’s a generalization, but it sort of fits.
Real stoners always load a full bowl.
That sounds like Carlin, but Carlin dispensed much wisdom in his time.
My favorite story from Jack Marigold’s A Child’s Garden of Grass goes something like:
A drunk, an acidhead, and a pothead are walking through the woods. As it becomes evening, they come to a city surrounded by a wall, and in the wall is a closed door with a sign that reads: “This door is only open 9-5”. After knocking and getting no answer for a few minutes, the drunk shakes his fist and says, 'let’s smash the door down!" The acidhead peers at the doorknob for a few minutes and says, “let’s just float through the keyhole.” The pothead shakes his head and says, “naw, man; let’s just sit here and wait for it to open in the morning.”
I can’t handle pot; makes me super nauseous for the entire time I’m high. Always has. But I love the people.
Alcohol makes you act without thinking, pot makes you think without action.
it’s communal, and it brings others into the circle
As a big pot head I think this is the big point. If you see someone smoking, there’s a damn good chance they’ll let you take a smoke. But you gotta be careful, cause then you’re gonna be stuck into a 30 minute convo about nothing haha
I didn’t say “perfect chance” because one time I was in German outside a club and smelled someone smoking a joint so I mimed the smoking gesture and he called me a selfish American and then they all laughed at me haha. But then later that night they called me over to do a couple shots with them so ¯\(ツ)/¯
I agree. I used the term ‘marijuana aficionado’ because I hang out with those who exclusively smoke bud straight up from the dispensary. I don’t get involved with other types of users.
My wife is a huge Rush fan. I’ve been to two concerts, I don’t get it. It’s loud, it’s screechy, I can’t understand the lyrics, but they’re her favorite band.
Bought her the “Rush 50” set for our anniversary next month:
She tolerates my taste:
I went to a concert with a mega fan and also don’t get it, that shit hurt my ears. I think Rush fans brains are all wired at some unique frequency.
Yeah, I learned after the first one to take earplugs. Not that it matters now since we lost Neil Peart (the drummer). :( No more concerts.
Punk/Emo Style