11 hours agoI love how in a world where we banned straws we are somehow OK with Microsoft pushing people to recycle their old but otherwise adequate system for what, to the vast majority of people, are some paper thin security advantages.
Anybody who asks me about Windows 10’s EOL date will be introduced to the option of using Linux before i’ll help them select a replacement system. Especially if they literally only use a browser there really is no reason to go through hoops or spend money to stick with Windows.
I can’t choose an absolute favorite, that’s like choosing a favorite child.
It’s a toss up between the Mass Effect Trilogy, Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher (in partiuclarly 3) and (most) of Fallout games (but in particular 1 and 2).
If you were to put a gun to my head I’d probably pick either Mass Effect Trilogy or Cyberpunk 2077, probably based on what game i’ve played for the millionth time most recently.