Its the only OS option that could farm engagement, as no one would react to him using windows or mac
Its the only OS option that could farm engagement, as no one would react to him using windows or mac
Hopefully people actually make the switch though. Weve got plenty of alternatives to many big US tech services, but a lot of them simply suffer due to lack of userbase. Even things which dont require other active users (i.e non social media type services) suffer because people tend to go for what they know and what their friends have, regardless of any other options.
A good story isn’t something groundbreaking that marketing teams can slap on the box in the same way they can with ray tracing dlss or whatever else I guess
Linux is the backbone of large portions of the internet so tonnes of money is poured into it. Althought Linux has a niche userbase for home PCs it is often the default choice for servers & development.
Holy shit that is dumb