Origins is a good game, shouldn’t be an AC. The Assassin stuff on Origin hold it back actually.
Origins is a good game, shouldn’t be an AC. The Assassin stuff on Origin hold it back actually.
Man, I dunno, but anything after AC Origins hast felt so bad and soulless…
I could say anything after AC Revelations is soulless
The problem isn’t the amount of value, they’ve essentially removed OW1, there’s no way to play it again from a game preservation perspective is goddamn awful what they’ve done. Probably the only time you can play it again is when they release an Overwatch Classic for $29.99 in 10 years.
Same goes for OW.
I paid for a 6 x 6 Hero Shooter they gave me a F2P 5 x 5 version with a lot of changes and I cannot ever play again the game that I paid for. I do mind a lot.
I replayed the entire game after completing Cyberpunk 2077 and finished it this weekend. Sadly for me the game doesn’t hold up that well in various aspects and it was one of my favourites. The story is great, the ending is really well done, but the combat is too simple, the leveling of the game is all over the place, the RPG aspect of the game is really underwhelming and the game is just too damn long. I actually ended up enjoying Cyberpunk 2077 more at the end, but TW3 is a better game in general.
As for my “all-time favorite”, that depends.
Nier: Automata changed me, the game had a real impact on me.
Zelda BOTW is the game that made me feel happier while playing it.
Sekiro is the game that just clicked perfectly.
DAO was my all time favourite RPG but Divinity 2/BG3 both took that spot.
Chrono Trigger is the game that I’ll always remember, the singleplayer game that I’ve replayed the most.
Terraria is my favourite indie game.
I have a real soft spot for Bloodstained, I loved Casltevania Symphony of the Night and I waited so long for Bloodstained and the guys delivered what I expected. The first game that I wanted to do 100%.