I feel like a huge number of franchises were started back in the day, but everything now is just sequels and remasters of old games.
How many of the current biggest AAA titles got their start in the 2005-2015 era vs the number of new franchises in 2015-2025?
Creativity seems to be mostly dead and games all have to be mega hits or they’re considered a failure. There’s also a distinct lack of AA games (the successful of which often later became AAA titles).
I hate researching appliances. Literally every brand and model has a ton of haters (often with tragic stories of how the appliance caused thousands of dollars in damages). There’s no way to research an appliance and come out with any sort of objective view point on it.
Sure there’s high level takes (Samsung bad, speed queen good), but then if you dig deeper into those off the cuff statements you realize even that isn’t true.
So I’ve generally just said fuck it and gone with whatever.