Precisely that. If a forum meant for discussion has its credibility compromised, what good is it as a discussion platform?
It’s one thing disagreeing with one’s PoV or not tolerating actual aggressive/toxic behavior. It’s another entire thing to censor opinions written with civility and arguments, or allow for bots to derail any meaningful discussion and demotivate/shame people for what they believe in. En masse, at that.
I am willing to learn another person’s PoV if it differs from my own - heck, if they make a compelling argument and present facts I had not considered I might even change my stance on the subject.
But simply discussing in bad faith and relying solely on insults or disinformation, plus an unwillingness to also consider other people’s PoV is not the way to reach common ground on differing positions. That’s when I realize that person is playing around and I might as well not give them their fix of dopamine.
So Canada should just ignore all the stuff the US is doing, reinforce their economy by buying from them, and pretend there aren’t risks regarding the possibility of the US being able to remotely interfere with the jets they sell? As if control over others isn’t something the US would ever try to do.
The best machine in the world isn’t worth shit if its reliability when needed is called into question, and much less when the seller can’t be trusted with that much power. That’s buying a few jets by selling sovereignty with extra steps - quite the bargain for the US and their current aspirations.
Buy from reliable allies, such as the EU, and if total defensive independence is a must start building the needed framework to develop a competitive jet building industry so that Canada can build its own by the time these ones approach EoL. Main point, avoid the US jets.