Right now, in this particular moment?
Every republican (and those who would vote republican if they were in the US) is round up and shot dead.
Pretty much any system the survivors come up with will be better.
Right now, in this particular moment?
Every republican (and those who would vote republican if they were in the US) is round up and shot dead.
Pretty much any system the survivors come up with will be better.
If we make it through this, every republican needs to pay for what they’ve done to the world. No republican should be considered credible on anything ever again. I’d prefer some sort of legal process, but I won’t be upset if one of the other boxes is used instead.
moving mouse targets. Like let’s say you have two pinned items on the start menu, Firefox and steam. You click Firefox and it starts to open. You go to click steam, but Firefox finishes opening and the icon gets bigger. Steam’s icon then moves to the right, so you click where it was but instead just hit Firefox again. It’s stupid.
Note how Firefox has solved this with tabs. Open a bunch of browser tabs. Enough so they shrink a little. Then rapidly close some, starting from the left. Notice how they don’t change size until you’re done closing tabs.
Mouse tunnels. Like you click the “File” menu, and then mouse over “New” and a long sub menu opens. Longer than the original File menu. If you mouse directly from the top of File to the bottom of New, your cursor will briefly be outside either menu. This often will cause the entire menu to close. Mouse tunnel. Have to keep the cursor in the tunnel. Annoying.
Had an old job that insisted this was fine and refused to let me or anyone change the interface to fix it (on a website)
Focus stealing. Like you’re typing, and some other application pops up and takes focus. The absolute worst is when it pops up and puts focus on a dialogue box, and you just happened to hit “enter”. Instead of adding a new line to your document, you just accepted something. Awful.
I am reminded again of how we need to organized. A few people here or there defaulting on loans or refusing to pay won’t make a difference. A lot of people not paying, but not talking to each other, is kind of a wild card. But if you and fifty thousand of your closest friends went to DC together to tell your reps this is unacceptable, and if they want to sleep at night it will change, maybe we’d see change.
But organizing is really hard and I don’t know how to go about it effectively.
I feel like if a democrat did something like this fox news et al would be screaming screaming screaming and there would be violent riots. Why is everyone else so docile?
I find it kind of funny how games are becoming more mainstream, but every once in a while I still meet people that are like “games are a waste of time”. But then again I guess people said that about movies and tv and still do sometimes.
Also I’ve been playing guild wars 2 again. Base game is like 10 years old but it’s still fun
Reminded of that Sartre quote again https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity
Except instead of fall silent I guess it’s have a tantrum now?
Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.
This sounds like sort of monkey’s paw shit.
“I wish we’d tax the rich.”
“Granted. And the money will be used for weapons, not education, healthcare, infrastructure, and all that stuff you were thinking but didn’t specify.”
I was going to say the same. But I think there’s a big difference between a band (art) and like the startup tshirts I’ve accumulated as “free swag” over the years (not art).
A band is cool and human expression. Some website that sells ads in emails is capitalist nonsense.
Most people don’t care about things. This is kind of a recurring problem. Imagine if people just cared a little bit more. All sorts of problems, like littering, would just go away.
But people are lazy and don’t care. They don’t care that their behavior today will be a problem for them tomorrow.
The big sites are where the content is, and that’s what they want. Suffering a little bit of hardship (fewer memes) in order to bolster a stronger future? Ridiculous.
Oh this is a thing that happens, and she might not even be doing it on purpose.
I was reading a book about how people change their minds, and it mentioned some study of long term belief. Many people who changed their mind about big things like abortion seemingly legitimately could not remember ever having the opposite opinion.
I think it’s because the ego is fragile, and people don’t like admitting fault.
“taxation without representation” I believe was a slogan, not a legally binding principle.