OMG, yes! Every time I wanna visit my favorite historical site, I launch Assassin’s Creed and play the same 3 missions over and over again! Bless! 💚
🎵 Assassin’s Creed is a good franchise 🎵
OMG, yes! Every time I wanna visit my favorite historical site, I launch Assassin’s Creed and play the same 3 missions over and over again! Bless! 💚
🎵 Assassin’s Creed is a good franchise 🎵
Amen. I also have a ton of issues with contemporary game design—padding playtime with procedural generation, prioritizing graphics, world size, or narrative over gameplay… etc.
Nowadays, I feel as if every game tries to compete for “most game” while lacking cohesion and polished ideas.
And to top it off: non-optimized game size. I’m sorry—I don’t care if your game is $2.99, I’m not downloading 80GBs just to try a game I may refund an hour later.
True in my case. All of my favorites either were released before 2020 or originally released before 2020 and I’m playing the re-release.
Only new IP I got excited about after 2020 was Project G.G. and I strongly doubt it’ll ever see the light at this point.
p5au.jp when?