Well, by insisting that you absolutely must be in a state of conflict with a huge portion of the nation over the past 20 years, many fools have unwittingly set this stage, and now pretend it’s everyone else’s fault.
Well, by insisting that you absolutely must be in a state of conflict with a huge portion of the nation over the past 20 years, many fools have unwittingly set this stage, and now pretend it’s everyone else’s fault.
It gets pretty damn interesting if you start digging into ancient religions and how they developed. There’s much more to how this situation came to be than most people understand, which is largely why no real progress is made in opposition to claims such as theirs.
I was going to ask what they were the first known photographs of… but apparently it’s “all of them”.
They’re disappearing because they’ve been invaded by corporate interests, political manoeuvring and activism. Real people just want to talk with real people about shit without thousands of busy bodies combing over their messages for opportunities to exploit them somehow.
I think your argument relates closely to something I’ve noticed happening over and over with more than just game developers. Far too often I see people expressing frustration that the Internet doesn’t give them more accurate information about the real world. Way too many people, apparently including many of the richest and most powerful people alive, have come to see the Internet as a magical machine that will do anything they want it to do… if only people would use it differently! Like, they legitimately seem to expect the entire population to post their entire lives online, unfiltered, so they can be used as automatons by people they’ve never even met.
The decisions being made regarding how to deploy and operate the Internet appear, to me, to betray a fundamental lack of understanding regarding just how incredibly complex the information environment within a healthy society actually is, and how much people depend upon it to maintain the basic functions of human life.
It feels to me as though early man discovered fire and immediately decided to burn down every single forest they encountered so dangerous beasts wouldn’t have anywhere to hide.
I mean, I’ve been using literally the exact same belt for years. If it wears out and I buy a different belt then I’ll have effectively “switched” to that style.